Have you been in pain lately wondering just if and when it will ever end? Maybe your hurting in a way you can't fully describe and you wonder if God even cares. If you're a believer today then take courage your best days are still ahead no matter what you may be going through. If you're not then you're lost and your worst days unfortunately still await you since hell is a place where unbelievers ultimately go. In fact while here on earth Jesus himself spoke more on the subject of hell than on any other. Why do you suppose he did? Obviously he doesn't want you or anyone else to ever go there! Did you know that God made hell originally for the devil and angels who rebelled against him long ago? By so doing tragically they forfeited their original place in heaven forever. Incredibly for you and I however God gave his only Son to die on a tree so we could be eternally free! Make sure today you know where you'll spend eternity believe me hell's not the place you ever want to be.
When comparing our pain on earth here as believers to our eternal home in heaven the apostle Paul said our temporary "light" affliction is just for a moment when compared to eternity. God uses our trials and tribulations here to perfect us and conform us to his image. And as believers we always have eternal hope as an anchor for our soul however hard things are for us here. The writer of Hebrews said this, "CAST NOT AWAY THEREFORE YOUR CONFIDENCE WHICH HATH GREAT RECOMPENCE OF REWARD. FOR YOU HAVE NEED OF PATIENCE THAT AFTER YOU HAVE DONE THE WILL OF GOD YOU MIGHT RECEIVE THE PROMISE. FOR YET A LITTLE WHILE AND HE THAT SHALL COME WILL COME AND WILL NOT TARRY. NOW THE JUST SHALL LIVE BY FAITH BUT IF ANY MAN DRAW BACK MY SOUL SHALL HAVE NO PLEASURE IN HIM. BUT WE ARE NOT OF THEM WHO DRAW BACK UNTO PERDITION, BUT OF THEM THAT BELIEVE TO THE SAVING OF THE SOUL (Hebrews 10:35-39)." Because life is so difficult in our day many are living for temporary pleasure and not for eternal treasure! Sadly as predicted they're falling away and doing things their own way today.
He goes on to say that without faith it's impossible to please God but that he's a rewarder of those who diligently seek him. He wants all of his children to trust him through every storm in life and to keep on believing regardless of feeling. Feelings come and go but God remains the same. I'm not exactly sure why faith is so important to God I just know that it is. The apostle Peter said our faith is more precious to God than gold which perishes and when tried by fire it will bring glory to him. Most people today however live their lives by how they feel and not by what's actually real. You see faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things NOT seen. After Jesus was risen he appeared to his disciples and on one occasion Thomas believed he had risen only AFTER seeing his nail-scarred hands. Here's what Jesus said to him, "BECAUSE YOU HAVE SEEN ME YOU HAVE BELIEVED. BLESSED ARE THOSE WHO HAVE NOT SEEN AND YET HAVE BELIEVED (John 20:29)."
If you've never read the book of Hebrews or if it's been a while please do so. The believers referred to in chapter 11 as you may know are called by many today as the "heroes" of faith. True heroes that God says this world was not worthy of. In fact some were tortured not accepting deliverance so that they might obtain a "better" resurrection! I'm not sure what your pain is today or just how heavy the burden is you bear but I know God knows. I know he's there and that he truly cares. While on earth Jesus was moved with compassion for the hurting and the lost. He wept over Jerusalem and Isaiah the prophet once predicted he'd be a man of sorrows acquainted with grief despised and rejected of men. He's a faithful high priest who's touched with the feelings of our infirmities. He's the Lamb of God slain before the foundation of the world for your sins and mine. If your his child then know he's using your earthly pain for your heavenly gain. The heroes of faith kept their eyes on the prize, "THESE WERE ALL COMMENDED FOR THEIR FAITH YET NONE OF THEM RECEIVED WHAT HAD BEEN PROMISED. GOD HAD PLANNED SOMETHING BETTER FOR US SO THAT ONLY TOGETHER WITH US WOULD THEY BE MADE PERFECT (Hebrews 11:39-40)." You're surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses who've gone before now looking on cheering you on. So never give up and never give in run your race to win! It will all be worth it once you too reach the end.