Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Worldly Ways Information Highways-Shawn Smith

As you know in spite of difficulties here in America we have so much to be thankful for we are very blessed indeed. Lately I've been noticing disturbing trends developing in our society as you may have as well. It's really nothing new just more of the same. Much more. For example the social network facebook as you know is growing in popularity at a tremendous rate with no real end in sight. It seems we've become a society craving personal and public attention like never before. Many today are so addicted that they spend countless hours daily on the site apparently posting all the latest and greatest on their personal wall only to be seen by all. Many organizations as well as individuals at times actually requesting that others "like" them or their post which to me is truly on the verge of absurd. Do we actually think God somehow intended that our lives be some sort of popularity contest? Of course not he obviously has more in mind for us than just what others think of us. How about God what does he think about you and I? Anyone with any sense can see that in general today we've become desperate in our need for attention.

Please don't misunderstand at the risk of sounding hypocritical I myself also have a personal profile on facebook. It's just that lately I've been disturbed and frustrated by the apparent constant need for approval and attention we seem to have in our society today. Look at what Jesus himself said about popularity while he was here on earth, "WOE TO YOU WHEN EVERYONE SPEAKS WELL OF YOU FOR THAT IS HOW THEIR ANCESTORS TREATED THE FALSE PROPHETS (Luke 6:26)." What we should really be seeking is approval from God longing to please him. I've lost friends before and I realize now I may lose some more. I heard someone say recently that facebook is just a waste of time. I disagree with that but I do agree that it certainly for many may be. I personally believe it's more about our misuse of the network along with other vices like our inappropriate internet surfing and our excessive tv time. Whether you agree or not I still believe most of us are guilty to one degree or another if we're honest with ourselves and honest with God. It's time to get closer to him and farther from sin.

If you're a true believer then these are difficult albeit exciting days for you. If you're not yet then you can become one today and know for sure your salvation is secure (see our website HOME PAGE to learn how). We are now living in the days the prophet Daniel prophesied about long ago. As you know we are experiencing an explosion of technology so advanced that it's beyond description. Things of late continue accelerating at an alarming rate. Here's what God said about the end-times almost three-thousand years ago, "BUT THOU O DANIEL SHUT UP THE WORDS AND SEAL THE BOOK EVEN TO THE TIME OF THE END. MANY SHALL RUN TO AND FRO AND KNOWLEDGE SHALL BE INCREASED (Daniel 12:4)." I've unfortunately heard many false predictions lately that are simply untrue and possibly you have too. But only the predictions God's holy apostles and prophets make ever actually come true. The world today is full of knowledge but short on wisdom.

Look what the apostle John had to say about worldly ways, "LOVE NOT THE WORLD NOR THE THINGS IN THE WORLD. IF ANY MAN LOVE THE WORLD THE LOVE OF THE FATHER IS NOT IN HIM. FOR ALL THAT IS IN THE WORLD, THE LUST OF THE FLESH, THE LUST OF THE EYES, AND THE PRIDE OF LIFE IS NOT OF THE FATHER BUT IS OF THE WORLD. AND THE WORLD PASSETH AWAY AND THE LUST THEREOF BUT HE THAT DOETH THE WILL OF GOD ABIDETH FOREVER (1 John 1:15-17)." As his children we need to be about our Father's business. John goes on to say that we need to abide in him so that when he appears we will have confidence and not be ashamed at his coming. We need to spend more time in his word and less time in the world. As believers we live in this world but we're not of it. Or are we? Can the world see that we love him do they know and does it show? Only God knows for sure where we stand with him today. When we answer him one day I wonder just what will he say?

To Know You-Nichole Nordeman