Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Fulfilling Prophecies Manmade Philosophies-Shawn Smith

Recently I've wondered often how to put words to my many thoughts as we enter 2012 and what lies in store for us all. As you've noticed in the world today things continue spiraling out of control apparently with no end in sight. To cope with the corruption and confusion many turn to manmade fables and philosophies instead of trusting reliable biblical prophecies. Many are acting out trying to mask the pain in life and uncertainty of the future resorting to unhealthy extremes and uncontrollable vices just to survive it all. As believers we really shouldn't be surprised by it though after all God's made it clear in his word that perilous days would define our time. And in the last days men would be "lovers of themselves". As we look around today we see more indications that we may indeed be the generation that Jesus himself referred to when speaking to his disciples about the time of his return. One of the most significant signs recently of course is when Israel officially gained its independence again in 1948. The regathering of God's chosen people back to her homeland recently is very significant according to Bible prophecy and the end of this age. And there are obviously many more. Jesus referred to signs of the times as birth pangs occurring with increasing intensity and frequency with each and every one.

Life today is difficult to say the least and like the disciples you too may wonder just when it will all end and is there any relief in sight? It certainly can be overwhelming but for each generation God always has a purpose and a plan for man. What's surprising is the way in which many today fall so easily for the deception that's slowly but steadily taking over the world. Instead of falling for manmade fables and philosophies we should believe biblical prophecies. Many are familiar with the beloved Hebrew prophet Daniel and his prophecy about the antichrist and his abomination of desolation in the holy land (Daniel 9:27). However relatively few I believe are familiar with Daniel's vision of the four beasts and the interpretation given to him by God in Daniel chapter 7. It's there where he's given a chilling description of the revived Roman empire and the man of sin who will take over the world at the time of the end. Here's what Daniel saw, "AFTER THAT IN MY VISION AT NIGHT I LOOKED AND THERE BEFORE ME WAS A FOURTH BEAST TERRIFYING AND FRIGHTENING AND VERY POWERFUL. IT HAD LARGE IRON TEETH. IT CRUSHED AND DEVOURED ITS VICTIMS AND TRAMPLED UNDERFOOT WHATEVER WAS LEFT. IT WAS DIFFERENT FROM ALL THE FORMER BEASTS AND IT HAD TEN HORNS (Daniel 7:7)."

It is during this time of worldwide domination that the antichrist ("little horn") will arise and speak against God and oppress his people and try to "change" the set times and laws. The generation of unbelievers not yet saved who come to Christ after believers are "caught up" in the last days (1 Thessalonians 4:16-18), will have to endure great tribulation here on earth. In fact no one living on the earth during that time will be able to buy or sell without having the "mark" of the beast spoken of by the apostle John in the book of Revelation (13:16-18). Life is hard indeed but living now compared to when the antichrist appears on the scene it's a walk in the park! Once he's given control it will be like nothing the world has ever seen. Look what the apostle Paul wrote about this man of sin and his ability to deceive with relative ease all who don't believe, "THE COMING OF THE LAWLESS ONE WILL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH HOW SATAN WORKS. HE WILL USE ALL SORTS OF DISPLAYS OF POWER THROUGH SIGNS AND WONDERS THAT SERVE THE LIE, AND ALL THE WAYS THAT WICKEDNESS DECEIVES THOSE WHO ARE PERISHING. THEY PERISH BECAUSE THEY REFUSED TO LOVE THE TRUTH AND SO BE SAVED (2 Thessalonians 2:9-10)."

The Psalmist prayed teach me Lord to number my days. We only have a short time here on earth and we need to know the truth about the future. If Jesus is your Lord you're his child and he's with you to the end. If he's not yet then don't delay believe in him and receive him in your heart today! With so much deception in the world today and more on the way we desperately need to hear what God has to say. Look what the apostle Peter said as he neared the end of his days, "THEREFORE DEAR FRIENDS SINCE YOU HAVE BEEN FOREWARNED, BE ON YOUR GUARD SO THAT YOU MAY NOT BE CARRIED AWAY FROM YOUR SECURE POSITION. BUT GROW IN THE GRACE AND KNOWLEDGE OF OUR LORD AND SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST. TO HIM BE GLORY BOTH NOW AND FOREVER! AMEN (2 Peter 3:17-18)." We're clearly nearing the end and it's time to seek his face and grow in grace. The time is short his return is at hand we need to draw closer to him and farther from sin! The fact is one way or another we will all stand before God one day. Whenever that day is for each of us God only knows. In the meantime we simply can't afford to ignore anymore what the future has in store. Prophecies are fulfilling today right before our eyes! So don't fall for lies it's really the devil in disguise.