Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Lasting Afflictions Everlasting Love-Shawn Smith

As Summer ends and another Fall begins I'm reminded once again of just how fast time flies from one season to the next. And just how quickly violence and hatred can spread. While at the same time it also seems that some adversities in life can linger on and on with no apparent end in sight. Especially for those who are afflicted with some sort of chronic illness or maybe depression or possibly an ongoing financial crises. Or worse. You name it none of us is totally exempt. And as if that's not enough we're all dealing constantly now with the threat of WWIII. For years now my dear Mother-In-Law unfortunately has been fighting MS, a very debilitating disease as you may know, that can slowly and steadily diminish one's quality of life and ultimately cut a life all too short. We've personally seen the devastating affects of this disease first hand now for years but in spite of it all she is keeping the faith trusting God day by day to somehow see her through. Please pray that God would continue to sustain her and ultimately heal her. She is very special and needs prayer as the disease unfortunately has recently progressed. Maybe you or someone you know is also dealing with something similar and you wonder where God is in all of this? Or maybe you've lost a job a friend or a loved one recently and you can't help but wonder if God's still there and if so does he even care?

Living in a fallen world as humans we all have questions at times about just why things are the way they are. Especially in the midst of overwhelming circumstances and suffering that seems to never end. And if God loves us like he says why does he allow suffering in our lives anyway? The answer is of course I don't know for sure but what I do know is that God obviously allows affliction in all of our lives for a reason but often he doesn't reveal the exact purpose for our pain. But as his children we know that for one reason or another he will always use it for our benefit. If we let him. Remember the sufferings of Job and the patience he possessed while losing everything that was once near and dear to him? If you know the story then you know how in the end God eventually restored him and ultimately blessed him again with more than he could ever imagine. Another example of this of course is from the life of the apostle Paul himself. Paul as you may know also suffered greatly in life and once in his affliction sought the Lord three times asking God to remove his infamous "thorn" in the flesh. What this thorn was we don't exactly know for certain but I suspect that along with many Bible scholars that he suffered constantly from sort of nagging eye condition constantly lingering on in his life well after his conversion on the road to Damascus (See Acts 9).

After all when Paul then Saul met the Lord Jesus face to face he was literally blinded by the light for three whole days! Yes he received his sight again but it appears that he still had difficulty writing his many letters. Others have suggested that his thorn was a relentless persecution from the enemy which Paul himself often referred to in his own epistles. This is certainly quite possible as well. The truth is we can't know for certain but either way here's how Paul handled his lifelong affliction, "AND LEST I SHOULD BE EXALTED ABOVE MEASURE THROUGH THE ABUNDANCE OF THE REVELATIONS THERE WAS GIVEN TO ME A THORN IN THE FLESH, THE MESSENGER OF SATAN TO BUFFET ME, LEST I SHOULD BE EXALTED ABOVE MEASURE. FOR THIS THING I BESOUGHT THE LORD THRICE THAT IT MIGHT DEPART FROM ME. AND HE SAID UNTO ME MY GRACE IS SUFFICIENT FOR THEE FOR MY STRENGTH IS MADE PERFECT IN WEAKNESS. MOST GLADLY THEREFORE WILL I RATHER GLORY IN MY INFIRMITIES THAT THE POWER OF CHRIST MAY REST UPON ME. THEREFORE I TAKE PLEASURE IN INFIRMITIES, IN REPROACHES, IN NECESSITIES, IN PERSECUTIONS, IN DISTRESSES FOR CHRIST'S SAKE FOR WHEN I AM WEAK THEN AM I STRONG (2 Corinthians 12:7-10)."

What's that Paul did you say you take PLEASURE in all this? Wow now that's taking no pain no gain to a whole new level! Obviously the key to Paul's attitude and insight was his relationship with the Lord. And his faith in him. He was truly given much and to whom much is given much is required. Notice that Paul besought the Lord three times to remove his thorn whatever exactly indeed it was. You'd think that this apostle if anyone would get his prayer answered. And he did. Just not the one he was looking for. But notice that once he did receive his answer he simply learned to live with it and let God use it no matter just how difficult his adversity in life truly was. And the truth is Jesus never actually said no as some believe but simply told Paul that his grace was enough. And by faith you and I can also know today that no matter what our lot in life God is always faithful in the life of the believer to complete the work he begins in us. Always. It's just that you and I simply don't understand exactly how he's using our suffering along the way. Or why. Especially when it just seems to last and last and never seems to ever pass. But it will one day and the truth is he always is because the purpose and plan in our lives is always his. Later when writing from prison to believers one day here's what the great apostle also had to say, "BEING CONFIDENT OF THIS VERY THING THAT HE WHO HAS BEGUN A GOOD WORK IN YOU WILL PERFORM IT UNTIL THE DAY OF CHRIST JESUS (Philippians 1:6)." God is faithful and his love is true no matter what it looks like now or what you're going through. So keep the faith my friend it's true just like Paul he'll finish his work in you too!

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Difficult Days Wayward Ways-Shawn Smith

Lately I've felt overwhelmed at times facing fears in my own life and dealing with the world at large. Chances are that you have as well. As you know things continue to go from bad to worse throughout the world. It shouldn't really surprise us at all though since it's exactly what God predicted by his Spirit through his holy apostles and prophets many years ago. And also of course by none other than the Lord Jesus Christ himself. You'd think we'd at least listen closely to Him. But are we today? Our freedoms here in America are definitely at stake now much more than ever. Violence is on the rise and the dollar is on the decline and clearly we're nearing WWIII. Other than that though things seem to be looking up! Seriously though the truth is things continue to spiral quickly downward so you and I as believers should be looking upward as instructed knowing that our redemption is truly drawing near. I can only imagine what our friends in Israel are facing now surrounded by enemies as each passing year brings with it an ever-increasing threat to their land and to their security. It's hard to imagine God's chosen people despised by every nation in the world but according to the scriptures that's exactly what's in her future (See Zechariah 12). All the while corruption is rampant both here at home and abroad as the earth waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed (See Romans 8). In light of all this and much more many wonder today if God is really there and if so does he even care?

In case you were wondering lately yes he does still care and by the way he still answers prayer! And he has a plan for all of mankind which includes every nation. It may not look or feel like it today but when did God ever instruct us to live by feelings? Never of course because it's all about faith. We should also realize that everything prophetically revolves around Jerusalem and God's sovereign plan for man. And for us personally we should know that without faith it's simply "impossible" to please him. The writer of Hebrews once said that God himself is a rewarder of those who "diligently" seek him (See Hebrews 11). He doesn't reveal himself to the casual observer. No we must come to him by faith believing that he's there and he will in his way and in his time truly answer our prayers. But all too often when we pray we selfishly just want him to do things our way. And usually we need it done today! Daniel the prophet is an excellent example of a man who in his day was fully devoted to God and to prayer. Look how he once chastened himself believing God truly cared, "IN THOSE DAYS I DANIEL WAS MOURNING THREE FULL WEEKS. I ATE NO PLEASANT BREAD NEITHER CAME FLESH OR WINE IN MY MOUTH. NEITHER DID I ANOINT MYSELF AT ALL UNTIL THREE WHOLE WEEKS WERE FULFILLED (Daniel 10:2-3)." For three long weeks Daniel fasted and prayed while patiently seeking God! That's remarkable considering most of us today might last about one or two days then quickly be about our business and merrily on our way.

What's truly impressive about Daniel was that he was praying on behalf of God's people for their deliverance and not simply for his own. Apparently he was more concerned with what would happen to them in the end than with what would happen to him. Daniel was a man much like our dear Lord and Savior who once gave his all on Calvary's tree so you and I could totally be free! Daniel was wholly devoted and totally determined to please God in his day no matter what in life ever came his way. The same Daniel who was once thrown in a lion's den for simply not complying with unjust and ungodly men. A man the world was truly unworthy of. Clearly we have much to learn from this Hebrew prophet as we see how corrupt things are for us as well today. Especially since lately it's looking more and more like things did once for Daniel while living in captivity way back in his day. We're surrounded by ungodliness and corruption and lately I can't help but wonder as I look around are there any Daniels living among us today?

Yes it's true Daniel was called by God to represent him in a very unique and exceptional way. In fact the truth is none of us today could ever quite hold a candle to Daniel's dedication and devotion to God the way he did long ago back in his day. After all there's only one Daniel and the same can be said of course for all of God's holy apostles and prophets. And his plan for us as well today is to overcome the increasing corruption surrounding us all in our day. And the truth is God really only compares you with you and not with Daniel or with any of the rest. And what he wants for us as well today is for you and I to give him our best. Sadly just as predicted this generation continues drifting farther away when God wants us close to him as well today. We're nothing without him we've been given so much. And to whom much is given much is required. As God looks down from his throne on high I wonder just what he thinks of you and of I? Clearly this world has lost its way a rebellious generation that's going astray! We're quickly nearing the end of this age and obviously living in difficult days. As things go from bad to worse will we like Daniel still keep the faith will we watch and pray?

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Noah's Day Life Today-Shawn Smith (Repost-06/2013-Edited SS)

As you know another vicious and senseless act of violence recently visited us here in America. Innocent victims were caught completely by surprise as they simply stood and watched friends and loved ones finish their Marathon on that terrible and horrific day. Our thoughts and prayers continue for all those in Boston devastated by this horrible atrocity. This attack sickens and horrifies us all as Americans as we unfortunately witness yet again the sheer evil of our day. To truly overcome in life and do right today without God first in our country and personally in our lives is just not possible. Evil is on the rise and obviously it will stop at nothing to pursue our demise. Deception is rampant and we call good evil and evil good today.  These are the last days and lately they're resembling a scary familiarity to life once back in Noah's day.  We've always needed God of course and contrary to popular belief and all the misinformation that's circulating today our nation was indeed founded on godly values and principles long ago one day. Our founding fathers and their families are true patriots indeed quite unlike the heroes we tend to idolize here today.  No these Americans were true heroes willing to give their very lives for the freedom that we still enjoy today! The way we're heading lately however I can't help but wonder how much longer it will actually stay this way?

You may agree that the freedom we often take for granted is now seriously at stake. Things here are changing quickly now and in all the confusion today it's obvious we've somehow lost our way. Just being American or simply knowing about God intellectually never was and never is enough.  No the truth is we must also believe that Jesus is Lord personally not just intellectually.  Recently while speaking I asked someone what he thought was the greatest commandment? Thinking I was referring to the Old Testament he quoted one of the ten commandments and in fairness to him that's probably what most people would naturally think. I told him however it was not the answer I was looking for and went on of course to share with him a little more. We should obviously strive to always obey God's commands and statutes that were originally given to Moses and the children of Israel the best we can today. The truth is they couldn't nor can we ever completely fulfill them all. If we break one in God's eyes we've broken them all. While here on earth the Lord Jesus himself told us what the greatest commandment truly is, "THOU SHALT LOVE THE LORD THY GOD WITH ALL THY HEART, WITH ALL THY SOUL, AND WITH ALL THY MIND (Matthew 22:37-40)." He also declared that the second is likened unto it which is to 'LOVE THY NEIGHBOR AS THYSELF.' All of God's commands and statutes fall for us under these two simple yet powerful and all encompassing commands in the age of grace we now live in today. It's much more than a religion it's a relationship.

From the beginning God was and still is longing for an intimate relationship with us. Remember when Adam sinned in the garden he called out to him, 'Adam where are you'? Did God somehow misplace him? No Adam separated himself when he disobeyed God's one and only command. It broke his heart to remove Adam and Eve from the garden of Eden but disobedience demands discipline and unfortunately we see the consequences of his original sin today. You see the law initially was simply our schoolmaster that would one day bring us to Christ and was ultimately designed by God to show us the wickedness of our ways. And now incredibly Jesus is the fulfillment of the Old Testament law to all who simply believe in him both to the Jew and to the Gentile alike! (Galatians 3:23-29). A relationship with God is so much more than just religion ladened with a lengthy checklist of do's and dont's. Man made rules and regulations required by any religion today don't ever truly make us more spiritual or even closer to God. But incredibly because of Jesus salvation is free and now each of us can have a loving and lasting relationship with the God of this universe through his only dear Son. Now because of his death our debt is paid in full and the victory is won! The answer for us today is not to turn away but to draw closer than ever to him. Closer to him and farther from sin. As we see things unfolding now precisely as predicted with increasing violence and sin we need to constantly seek his face and grow in his grace. God has promised us that if we will draw closer to him then he will draw closer to us. He wants all of our hearts not just one part.

But sadly today just as in Noah's day the world is ignoring God and pushing him away. With all the violence and corruption today you'd think we'd listen more carefully to what Jesus himself had to say about life in the last days, "VERILY I SAY UNTO YOU THIS GENERATION SHALL NOT PASS TILL ALL THESE THINGS BE FULFILLED. HEAVEN AND EARTH SHALL PASS AWAY BUT MY WORDS SHALL NOT PASS AWAY. BUT OF THAT DAY AND HOUR KNOWETH NO MAN, NO NOT THE ANGELS OF HEAVEN, BUT MY FATHER ONLY. BUT AS THE DAYS OF NOAH WERE SO SHALL ALSO THE COMING OF THE SON OF MAN BE. FOR AS IN THE DAYS THAT WERE BEFORE THE FLOOD THEY WERE EATING AND DRINKING, MARRYING AND GIVING IN MARRIAGE, UNTIL THE DAY THAT NOAH ENTERED INTO THE ARK AND KNEW NOT UNTIL THE FLOOD CAME AND TOOK THEM ALL AWAY. SO SHALL ALSO THE COMING OF THE SON OF MAN BE (Matthew 24:34-39)." Clearly the world today is not looking for him as we see by the increase of ungodliness and sin. No it's looking more today like Noah's day just before the flood came and swept them away! With godliness on the decline and evil on the rise today will we still keep the faith will we always watch and pray?

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Perilous Times Significant Signs-Shawn Smith

It's obviously very difficult to put into words the sorrow we as Americans and especially those in Boston of course must feel at a time like this. Our deepest thoughts and prayers go out to you and to all those suffering and now recovering from the latest senseless and brutal act of violence to visit us here in America. Our world is obviously changing fast once again fulfilling biblical prophecies that are unfolding precisely as predicted. And obviously not for the better! No sadly corruption continues to rise in our day and time as godliness continues unfortunately to decline. These prophecies are all fulfilling exactly as the holy apostles and prophets of old predicted warning us all in the end what would eventually come to pass. In fact the Lord Jesus himself warned us that just like in Noah's day God will eventually judge mankind because of sin and the only escape would be through the Son of God himself. The apostle John said while writing to the believers in his day almost two-thousand years ago that they were living in the last "hour" with many anti-Christs already on the scene then (1 John 2:15-19). In light of that which is true I can't help but wonder just where we are today from God's perspective and from his point of view. We should realize that the mysterious rapture of the church (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17) which is only for all true believers living for him now, is distinctly different from the second coming of Christ where in judgment he will return to rule and reign and be seen by all. The apostle Peter said that in the last days many scoffers would come mocking his return but the signs are all there now so we really should watch and learn.

If those alive were living in the final "hour" then could it be that we're just moments away now from reaching the end? If that's the case we should awake quickly and smell the coffee that's been cooling lately in our lukewarm cups! At the same time he may choose to tarry a while longer and we should realize that God's timing is rarely if ever ours. After all in his eyes a thousand years is as one day and one day is as a thousand years. So in that light this generation has just recently entered its third day of existence here on planet earth since Jesus left. Does that ring a bell? As you may recall on Easter Sunday Jesus rose again early on the third day and appeared to Mary before dawn. So early in fact that it was still dark when he appeared to her at the empty tomb. Is it possible that by doing so he was also giving us living today a sign signaling his return one day and when it would finally be time? Most were still asleep at the time obviously possibly indicating yet another sign. The days we live in are dark indeed with corruption on the rise and godliness on the decline. Not surprisingly though look what the apostle Paul once had to say about those of us in the end living today, "THIS KNOW ALSO THAT IN THE LAST DAYS TERRIBLE TIMES SHALL COME. FOR MEN SHALL BE LOVERS OF THEMSELVES, COVETEOUS, BOASTERS, PROUD, BLASPHEMERS, DISOBEDIENT TO PARENTS, UNGRATEFUL, UNHOLY. WITHOUT NATURAL AFFECTION, TRUCEBREAKERS, FALSE ACCUSERS, INCONTINENT, FIERCE, DESPISERS OF THOSE THAT ARE GOOD (2 Tim 3:1-3)."

Although many falsely predict today that things will somehow get better here some day but the truth is the world is becoming more corrupt day after day. In fact the mark of true Old Testament Hebrew prophets like Jeremiah and Noah for example was that their predictions foretold impending judgment for the rebellious not prosperity and peace like so many continue to wrongly predict today. And if we believe them we are sadly mistaken! The scriptures are clear that until the Messiah returns there will never be any true and lasting peace anywhere here. No unfortunately contrary to popular belief things will only get worse as mankind in general refuses to repent today and continues drifting farther away. In fact the anti-Christ who will appear on the scene soon will offer a very convincing pseudo-peace that the entire unbelieving world will one day fall for and succumb to! And all those still living here then who don't believe his lie one day won't ever be able to sell or even to buy (Revelation 13:11-18). But all true believers will see through his disguise because they know the only real peace is found in a personal relationship with the Prince of Peace the Lord Jesus Christ himself.


Thursday, February 14, 2013

True Love Looking Above-Shawn Smith

Well it's finally here! Aren't you excited? The day as you know that we celebrate romance and love everywhere when in reality though relative few in the world actually experience true love or even know what love truly is. Deep down we all crave that one true love but sadly most in the world today still haven't found it. We often change relationships like we change socks hardly around long enough to ever truly embrace it. I may be exaggerating a bit but you catch my drift. Many today sadly assume one breakup after another that surely their Prince Charming is just around the corner. They're convinced that for sure next time he or she will finally be mine. But with a fifty percent divorce rate in our nation and rising fast there's rarely a knight in shining armor anyhere around still left to be found. Instead there's often only broken promises and broken hearts left lying around. It appears we've fallen quite short in our quest for love lately looking in all the wrong places and in all the wrong faces. We're searching everywhere today for love instead of wisely looking above. What many simply don't realize is that deep within us all there's an emptiness that only God himself can truly fill. The truth is if we're not right with him we're still very alone and still lost in our sin. Regardless of what shape our personal relationships here on earth appear to be in.

Indeed some are fortunate to find love here but eventually the newness wears off and then the real work begins. There's no perfect marriage they all come with many problems and difficulties. And if you haven't take heart you may still find that special someone someday. But if not remember you're never really alone God loves you perfectly and he's still on his throne. In fact if you're single you can have a very unique and intimate relationship with God that many married couples simply don't. True love is certainly hard to find in this day and age and if you're happily married consider yourself a real exception today. The truth is if you've been married long enough you know that a good relationship takes love and dedication along with good communication and plenty of patience (for those of you who know me well just ask my wife. On second thought please don't I have a reputation to uphold!) Seriously though for those of you who know her well you know that I'm very fortunate and truly blessed with an amazing wife. She's more than I could ever ask for or ever dream of in life. She's a wonderful person and loyal friend and she's definitely grown on me over the years. When I was young I just didn't realize it but now I appreciate her much more than I ever did. I just hope I've grown some on her too. Honey if you're reading this I love you and I thank God for you Happy Valentines Day! Thank you for loving me and for all that you do (Do I still need to get you a card? Just kidding I already got you one too).

Recently I asked an elderly man who'd been married over 50 years with his bride close by his side what the secret was to their marital success? He paused for a moment and then with a warm and gentle smile simply said, "Pray a lot." I couldn't have said it better myself! It's true love takes time and it's much more than a feeling as I'm sure you know. And even in the best of earthly relationships we all have our moments and can be very selfish at times if we're completely honest. But God's love for us is unlike any love we can ever experience in this life however good love may be at times here for us. Or bad. That's because God's love never changes and his love never fails. He doesn't fall in and out of love with you no matter what you do. Incredibly God doesn't waver like us often feeling love one minute for someone and then feeling nothing for them the next. That's because feelings come and go but God stays the same. The truth is God loves you exactly the same today as he did yesterday no matter what you've done or what others may say. To prove his love God sent his one and only Son to die on a tree just so you and I could forever be free! In fact long ago in his day here's what the writer of Hebrews once had to say, "JESUS CHRIST IS THE SAME YESTERDAY, TODAY, AND FOREVER (Hebrews 13:8)."

He also defines the hope we now have in him is an "anchor" for our soul. You can totally trust him his love for you is faithful and true. It's true he deeply loves you and he loves me too. But sadly today many believe there may be a God up there somewhere but he doesn't love them and he simply doesn't care. But did you know that the apostle John once said that not only does God have love for us but that he actually is love? His very being and character emanates with agape love! The fact is from the beginning he's always wanted a relationship with man so he gave his Son and now you and I incredibly can! That's right we can now each have an intimate loving relationship with a perfect heavenly Father. Once writing from prison here's what the apostle Paul had to say about where we should have our eyes fixed squarely today, "IF YOU THEN BE RISEN WITH CHRIST, SEEK THOSE THINGS WHICH ARE ABOVE WHERE CHRIST SITS ON THE RIGHT HAND OF GOD. SET YOUR AFFECTIONS ON THINGS ABOVE, NOT ON THINGS ON THE EARTH. FOR YOU ARE DEAD AND YOUR LIFE IS HID WITH CHRIST IN GOD. WHEN CHRIST WHO IS OUR LIFE SHALL APPEAR THEN SHALL YOU ALSO APPEAR WITH HIM IN GLORY (Colossians 3:1-4)." Paul penned these words bound in prison but he knew all along that Jesus was alive and that he had risen! A relationship with God is so much more than rules and regulations as the great apostle himself eventually learned. And while here on earth the Lord Jesus himself said the greatest commandment is to love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. But as I look around today I wonder is he truly yours and is he still truly mine?

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Contact Update-Additional Information

Thank you for visiting! If you have any questions or prayer requests please email me at shawnsmith8607@gmail.com In addition I now have a new number as well so if you prefer call me anytime at (858) 722-0695. If I miss you leave me a voicemail and I'll return your call. And finally if you'd like to learn more please VIEW MY COMPLETE PROFILE under ABOUT ME where you can access our WEB PAGE also for additional information about us. Thanks so much for stopping by we look forward to hearing from you!

Sincerely In Christ,

Shawn Smith
President-Full Assurance Ministries

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

New Year Drawing Near-Shawn Smith

It's hard to believe it's actually 2013 now and once again I wonder just where does the time go? It's true what they say that as we age time flies and that's definitely the case for me. Or at least it sure feels that way. Whatever the case may be with the rise of technology here in America and around the world life in general is advancing for us all lately at an alarming rate. And in the process last year many assumed and falsely predicted once again that somehow 2012 was the year God would bring it all to an end. But obviously his plans never were and never are according to mans. Without a doubt however we are indeed quickly approaching the end of this age and his judgment will inevitably visit planet earth. Just look what God once spoke to the prophet Daniel long ago about life in our day, "BUT YOU DANIEL SHUT UP THE WORDS AND SEAL THE BOOK UNTIL THE TIME OF THE END. MANY SHALL RUN TO AND FRO AND KNOWLEDGE SHALL INCREASE (Daniel 12:4)." Today we're obviously experiencing a virtual explosion of medical and technological advances that one could only imagine a mere generation or so ago.

It's true we're living in the "last days" but many today stumble over the true meaning of the phrase. It's not to be taken literally but rather in the context of a general time-line, season, or generation. The apostle John referred to life in his day two-thousand years ago as the "last hour." Oviously he wasn't referring to a literal sixy minutes! No John was expressing the urgency of the hour he was living in. In fact from God's perspective and from his view a thousand years is only one day and one day is as a thousand years. That's because he sees life from an eternal perspective and not from a limited earthly one. And the truth is so should we. Seeing life from God's perspective and through his eyes will help us overcome in life against ever-increasing odds.

It never ceases to amaze me just how much misinformation there is on the subject today. But it doesn't surprise me. That's because it's just what God's holy apostles and prophets predicted would occur along with the Lord Jesus himself. And in all the confusion today I fear we're drifting farther from God instead of drawing near! I wonder lately if we still know his voice and can we still hear? It's easy of course to get distracted and stuck in the past tangled up in things that simply won't last. But here's what the apostle Paul writing from prison once said about the proper perspective and looking ahead, "BRETHREN I COUNT NOT MYSELF TO HAVE APPREHENDED BUT THIS ONE THING I DO, FORGETTING THOSE THINGS WHICH ARE BEHIND AND REACHING FORTH UNTO THOSE THINGS WHICH ARE BEFORE. I PRESS TOWARD THE MARK FOR THE PRIZE OF THE HIGH CALLING OF GOD IN CHRIST JESUS (Philippians 3:13-14)." In chains for preaching the gospel still Paul forged ahead keeping his eyes on an everlasting prize!

Recently on Facebook I posted a passage where Paul writing to Timothy describes how life will be at the end of this age. Someone apparently accessed my account however and deleted my post. In lieu of that I'd like to close with the same passage here where Paul had this to say about life in our day, "THIS KNOW ALSO THAT IN THE LAST DAYS PERILOUS TIMES SHALL COME. FOR MEN WILL BE LOVERS OF THEMSELVES, COVETEOUS, BOASTERS, PROUD, BLASPHEMERS, DISOBEDIENT TO PARENTS, UNTHANKFUL, UNHOLY, WITHOUT NATURAL AFFECTION, TRUCE BREAKERS, FALSE ACCUSERS, INCONTINENT, FIERCE, DESPISERS OF THOSE THAT ARE GOOD. TRAITORS, RECKLESS, CONCEITED, LOVERS OF PLEASURES MORE THAN LOVERS OF GOD, HAVING A FORM OF GODLINESS BUT DENYING THE POWER THEREOF FROM SUCH TURN AWAY (2 Timothy 3:1-5)." This sounds so much like the state of man today we'd have to be blind not to see it that way! Clearly we're nearing the end of this age and his return is at hand but will this be the year we truly draw near?