Well it's finally here! Aren't you excited? The day as you know that we celebrate romance and love everywhere when in reality though relative few in the world actually experience true love or even know what love truly is. Deep down we all crave that one true love but sadly most in the world today still haven't found it. We often change relationships like we change socks hardly around long enough to ever truly embrace it. I may be exaggerating a bit but you catch my drift. Many today sadly assume one breakup after another that surely their Prince Charming is just around the corner. They're convinced that for sure next time he or she will finally be mine. But with a fifty percent divorce rate in our nation and rising fast there's rarely a knight in shining armor anyhere around still left to be found. Instead there's often only broken promises and broken hearts left lying around. It appears we've fallen quite short in our quest for love lately looking in all the wrong places and in all the wrong faces. We're searching everywhere today for love instead of wisely looking above. What many simply don't realize is that deep within us all there's an emptiness that only God himself can truly fill. The truth is if we're not right with him we're still very alone and still lost in our sin. Regardless of what shape our personal relationships here on earth appear to be in.
Indeed some are fortunate to find love here but eventually the newness wears off and then the real work begins. There's no perfect marriage they all come with many problems and difficulties. And if you haven't take heart you may still find that special someone someday. But if not remember you're never really alone God loves you perfectly and he's still on his throne. In fact if you're single you can have a very unique and intimate relationship with God that many married couples simply don't. True love is certainly hard to find in this day and age and if you're happily married consider yourself a real exception today. The truth is if you've been married long enough you know that a good relationship takes love and dedication along with good communication and plenty of patience (for those of you who know me well just ask my wife. On second thought please don't I have a reputation to uphold!) Seriously though for those of you who know her well you know that I'm very fortunate and truly blessed with an amazing wife. She's more than I could ever ask for or ever dream of in life. She's a wonderful person and loyal friend and she's definitely grown on me over the years. When I was young I just didn't realize it but now I appreciate her much more than I ever did. I just hope I've grown some on her too. Honey if you're reading this I love you and I thank God for you Happy Valentines Day! Thank you for loving me and for all that you do (Do I still need to get you a card? Just kidding I already got you one too).
Recently I asked an elderly man who'd been married over 50 years with his bride close by his side what the secret was to their marital success? He paused for a moment and then with a warm and gentle smile simply said, "Pray a lot." I couldn't have said it better myself! It's true love takes time and it's much more than a feeling as I'm sure you know. And even in the best of earthly relationships we all have our moments and can be very selfish at times if we're completely honest. But God's love for us is unlike any love we can ever experience in this life however good love may be at times here for us. Or bad. That's because God's love never changes and his love never fails. He doesn't fall in and out of love with you no matter what you do. Incredibly God doesn't waver like us often feeling love one minute for someone and then feeling nothing for them the next. That's because feelings come and go but God stays the same. The truth is God loves you exactly the same today as he did yesterday no matter what you've done or what others may say. To prove his love God sent his one and only Son to die on a tree just so you and I could forever be free! In fact long ago in his day here's what the writer of Hebrews once had to say, "JESUS CHRIST IS THE SAME YESTERDAY, TODAY, AND FOREVER (Hebrews 13:8)."
He also defines the hope we now have in him is an "anchor" for our soul. You can totally trust him his love for you is faithful and true. It's true he deeply loves you and he loves me too. But sadly today many believe there may be a God up there somewhere but he doesn't love them and he simply doesn't care. But did you know that the apostle John once said that not only does God have love for us but that he actually is love? His very being and character emanates with agape love! The fact is from the beginning he's always wanted a relationship with man so he gave his Son and now you and I incredibly can! That's right we can now each have an intimate loving relationship with a perfect heavenly Father. Once writing from prison here's what the apostle Paul had to say about where we should have our eyes fixed squarely today, "IF YOU THEN BE RISEN WITH CHRIST, SEEK THOSE THINGS WHICH ARE ABOVE WHERE CHRIST SITS ON THE RIGHT HAND OF GOD. SET YOUR AFFECTIONS ON THINGS ABOVE, NOT ON THINGS ON THE EARTH. FOR YOU ARE DEAD AND YOUR LIFE IS HID WITH CHRIST IN GOD. WHEN CHRIST WHO IS OUR LIFE SHALL APPEAR THEN SHALL YOU ALSO APPEAR WITH HIM IN GLORY (Colossians 3:1-4)." Paul penned these words bound in prison but he knew all along that Jesus was alive and that he had risen! A relationship with God is so much more than rules and regulations as the great apostle himself eventually learned. And while here on earth the Lord Jesus himself said the greatest commandment is to love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. But as I look around today I wonder is he truly yours and is he still truly mine?
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Contact Update-Additional Information
Thank you for visiting! If you have any questions or prayer requests please email me at shawnsmith8607@gmail.com In addition I now have a new number as well so if you prefer call me anytime at (858) 722-0695. If I miss you leave me a voicemail and I'll return your call. And finally if you'd like to learn more please VIEW MY COMPLETE PROFILE under ABOUT ME where you can access our WEB PAGE also for additional information about us. Thanks so much for stopping by we look forward to hearing from you!
Sincerely In Christ,
Shawn Smith
President-Full Assurance Ministries
Sincerely In Christ,
Shawn Smith
President-Full Assurance Ministries
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