Lately I've felt overwhelmed at times facing fears in my own life and dealing with the world at large. Chances are that you have as well. As you know things continue to go from bad to worse throughout the world. It shouldn't really surprise us at all though since it's exactly what God predicted by his Spirit through his holy apostles and prophets many years ago. And also of course by none other than the Lord Jesus Christ himself. You'd think we'd at least listen closely to Him. But are we today? Our freedoms here in America are definitely at stake now much more than ever. Violence is on the rise and the dollar is on the decline and clearly we're nearing WWIII. Other than that though things seem to be looking up! Seriously though the truth is things continue to spiral quickly downward so you and I as believers should be looking upward as instructed knowing that our redemption is truly drawing near. I can only imagine what our friends in Israel are facing now surrounded by enemies as each passing year brings with it an ever-increasing threat to their land and to their security. It's hard to imagine God's chosen people despised by every nation in the world but according to the scriptures that's exactly what's in her future (See Zechariah 12). All the while corruption is rampant both here at home and abroad as the earth waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed (See Romans 8). In light of all this and much more many wonder today if God is really there and if so does he even care?
In case you were wondering lately yes he does still care and by the way he still answers prayer! And he has a plan for all of mankind which includes every nation. It may not look or feel like it today but when did God ever instruct us to live by feelings? Never of course because it's all about faith. We should also realize that everything prophetically revolves around Jerusalem and God's sovereign plan for man. And for us personally we should know that without faith it's simply "impossible" to please him. The writer of Hebrews once said that God himself is a rewarder of those who "diligently" seek him (See Hebrews 11). He doesn't reveal himself to the casual observer. No we must come to him by faith believing that he's there and he will in his way and in his time truly answer our prayers. But all too often when we pray we selfishly just want him to do things our way. And usually we need it done today! Daniel the prophet is an excellent example of a man who in his day was fully devoted to God and to prayer. Look how he once chastened himself believing God truly cared, "IN THOSE DAYS I DANIEL WAS MOURNING THREE FULL WEEKS. I ATE NO PLEASANT BREAD NEITHER CAME FLESH OR WINE IN MY MOUTH. NEITHER DID I ANOINT MYSELF AT ALL UNTIL THREE WHOLE WEEKS WERE FULFILLED (Daniel 10:2-3)." For three long weeks Daniel fasted and prayed while patiently seeking God! That's remarkable considering most of us today might last about one or two days then quickly be about our business and merrily on our way.
What's truly impressive about Daniel was that he was praying on behalf of God's people for their deliverance and not simply for his own. Apparently he was more concerned with what would happen to them in the end than with what would happen to him. Daniel was a man much like our dear Lord and Savior who once gave his all on Calvary's tree so you and I could totally be free! Daniel was wholly devoted and totally determined to please God in his day no matter what in life ever came his way. The same Daniel who was once thrown in a lion's den for simply not complying with unjust and ungodly men. A man the world was truly unworthy of. Clearly we have much to learn from this Hebrew prophet as we see how corrupt things are for us as well today. Especially since lately it's looking more and more like things did once for Daniel while living in captivity way back in his day. We're surrounded by ungodliness and corruption and lately I can't help but wonder as I look around are there any Daniels living among us today?
Yes it's true Daniel was called by God to represent him in a very unique and exceptional way. In fact the truth is none of us today could ever quite hold a candle to Daniel's dedication and devotion to God the way he did long ago back in his day. After all there's only one Daniel and the same can be said of course for all of God's holy apostles and prophets. And his plan for us as well today is to overcome the increasing corruption surrounding us all in our day. And the truth is God really only compares you with you and not with Daniel or with any of the rest. And what he wants for us as well today is for you and I to give him our best. Sadly just as predicted this generation continues drifting farther away when God wants us close to him as well today. We're nothing without him we've been given so much. And to whom much is given much is required. As God looks down from his throne on high I wonder just what he thinks of you and of I? Clearly this world has lost its way a rebellious generation that's going astray! We're quickly nearing the end of this age and obviously living in difficult days. As things go from bad to worse will we like Daniel still keep the faith will we watch and pray?