Monday, February 1, 2016

Difficult Days Wayward Ways- Shawn Smith

As we look around our world today it's obvious to us all that things are quickly changing. The question many are asking though is just exactly why? Well if you know Bible prophecy then you already know the answer. That's because according to the holy apostles and prophets of old what we see unfolding in our generation is precisely what many of them predicted long ago along with of course the Lord Jesus himself. You would think we'd at least listen carefully today to what he once had to say.

But unfortunately most choose to simply ignore all the fulfilling prophecies today. And sadly they do so even though things unfolding today are precisely what was predicted previously long ago way back in their day.  Why do you suppose that is? Well there are many reasons of course but one of the most obvious is simply mankinds blatant disregard for godly things in general today including a lack of reverence and respect for God himself. We're sadly starting to resemble life in the days of Samuel when back then, "IN THOSE DAYS THERE WAS NO KING IN ISRAEL.  EVERYONE DID WHAT WAS RIGHT IN HIS OWN EYES (Judges 17:6)." Does that sound as familiar to you today as it does to me?

We need to remember once again who's actually behind it all.  Daniel as you may recall once had a vision about just what's ahead for us today. In it God reveals to him that a ruthless king will appear on the scene at the end of this age.  Here's what the beloved prophet had to say long ago about what will all unfold for us very soon one day,"AND HE SHALL SPEAK GREAT WORDS AGAINST THE MOST HIGH AND SHALL WEAR OUT THE SAINTS OF THE MOST HIGH AND THINK TO CHANGE TIMES AND LAWS.  AND THEY SHALL BE GIVEN INTO HIS HAND UNTIL A TIME AND TIMES AND THE DIVIDING OF TIME (3 1/2 Years) (Daniel 7:25)."

Even though this prophecy specifically refers to the coming antichrist and his abominable plan (Daniel 9:24-27) at the end of this age we can already see him clearly at work behind the scenes today. In fact here in America our freedoms are obviously now seriously at stake! The writing now is clearly on the wall but we somehow appear blinded to it all.   Here's what the apostle John had to say about the spirit of the antichrist already at work long ago even back in his day,"MY LITTLE CHILDREN IT IS THE LAST HOUR AND EVEN AS YOU HAVE HEARD THAT ANTICHRIST SHALL COME, EVEN NOW ARE THERE MANY ANTICHRIST'S, WHEREBY WE KNOW IT IS THE LAST HOUR (1 John 1:18)."   If John was living in the last "hour" in his day I wonder just where does that put those of us here living on earth today?  Christ's return is imminent now and he may not choose much longer to delay!  The question is are we watching for him do we always pray will we be ready for him when we meet him one day?

Be My Shelter (PSALM 91) Dallas Holm