Have you ever had one of those mornings when you woke up real early and had the quiet all to yourself? I recently did and after reading my Bible the silence was eventually replaced by the sound of groaning for the people of Japan as the reality of their disaster finally hit me. Maybe you're experiencing the same thing too lately. The apostle Paul wrote about this once long ago and here's what he had to say, "IN THE SAME WAY THE SPIRIT HELPS US IN OUR WEAKNESS. WE DO NOT KNOW WHAT WE OUGHT TO PRAY FOR BUT THE SPIRIT HIMSELF INTERCEDES FOR US WITH GROANS THAT WORDS CANNOT EXPRESS (Romans 8:26)." Often in prayer we just don't know what to say but he's always there to help us pray.
As a pregnant mother nears her delivery due date she experiences intense labor pains causing her suffering that's simply beyond description. With each birth pang the intensity increases so she knows she's closer and closer to finally delivering her baby. The latest earthquake and tsunami in Japan is clearly another wake-up call to us all. The earth is groaning and travailing and we need to take heed. The apostle also said that the "whole creation" has been groaning in the pains of childbirth up to the present time. With numerous natural disasters around the world in recent years it's clear the end is near. Not to mention sadly all the corruption and evil of our day.
Many today are trying to predict exactly when Jesus will return. One thing we know for sure is that he's coming soon. But Jesus himself said that no one knows the day or the hour. In the gospel of Luke he warns, "THERE WILL BE SIGNS IN THE SUN, MOON AND STARS. ON THE EARTH NATIONS WILL BE IN ANGUISH AND PERPLEXITY AT THE ROARING AND TOSSING OF THE SEA. MEN WILL FAINT FROM TERROR APPREHENSIVE AT WHAT IS COMING ON THE WORLD, FOR THE HEAVENLY BODIES WILL BE SHAKEN. AT THAT TIME THEY WILL SEE THE SON OF MAN COMING IN A CLOUD WITH POWER AND GREAT GLORY. WHEN THESE THINGS BEGIN TO HAPPEN LIFT UP YOUR HEADS, FOR YOUR REDEMPTION IS DRAWING NEAR (Luke 21:25-28)." Did you notice there that he said when these things "BEGIN" to happen?
Many today are also speculating on the rapture of the church as well trying to prove whether it's before, during, or after the great tribulation. We should really spend our time preparing ourselves to meet him not predicting when we will! One way or another we'll all answer to God one day. Jesus tells us to always be ready here's also what he had to say, "BE CAREFUL OR YOUR HEARTS WILL BE WEIGHED DOWN WITH DISSIPATION, DRUNKENNESS AND THE CARES OF LIFE. DON'T LET THAT DAY CATCH YOU UNAWARE LIKE A TRAP FOR THAT DAY WILL COME ON THE FACE OF THE WHOLE EARTH. ALWAYS WATCH AND PRAY THAT YOU MAY BE ABLE TO ESCAPE ALL THAT IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN, AND THAT YOU MAY BE ABLE TO STAND BEFORE THE SON OF MAN (Luke 21:34-36)." Are we watching and do we still pray when we stand before him one day just what will he say?