Monday, March 7, 2011

Fulfilling Predictions Personal Convictions-Shawn Smith

These are definitely difficult days we live in wouldn't you agree? If you're a believer today however you have a hope that never fades away. And if you're a student of Bible prophecy or have at least looked into the scriptures concerning the end of this age you may also have a new found excitement mixed with great concern for those who sadly dismiss the predictions made by God's holy apostles and prophets and by Jesus Christ himself. However many are deceived and in denial today not listening to what God has to say. The devil is doing his best to lead the whole world astray.

What so many don't realize is because of great deception on earth in the last days they are being lulled into a spiritual slumber and sleep. The signs of the times are all around us but many refuse to acknowledge them since that may mean personal accountability to God in life. Just because they don't believe God doesn't mean it all won't come true just like he says it will. Just ask Noah. The apostle Peter said that in the last days scoffers would come scoffing and following their own evil desires. They will say where is this "coming" he promised (See 2 Peter 3). What they don't realize is that God's patience with mankind means salvation for thousands more each day.

It really boils down to faith. Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. It's time we wake up! Look what Daniel the prophet wrote when God spoke to him concerning the end of this age, "BUT YOU DANIEL KEEP THIS PROPHECY A SECRET, SEAL UP THE BOOK UNTIL THE TIME OF THE END WHEN MANY WILL RUN TO AND FRO AND KNOWLEDGE WILL INCREASE (Daniel 12:4)." With the advance of technology lately it's hard to imagine anyone ignoring Daniel's prediction here since it's very clear. Sadly though many choose to dismiss this prophecy and many others quickly fulfilling right before our very eyes today. You would think we would draw closer to God in our day and not drift farther away.

Consider what Jesus said about his personal return to earth, "AND WILL NOT GOD BRING ABOUT JUSTICE FOR HIS CHOSEN ONES WHO CRY OUT TO HIM DAY AND NIGHT? WILL HE KEEP PUTTING THEM OFF? I TELL YOU HE WILL SEE THAT THEY GET JUSTICE, AND QUICKLY. HOWEVER, WHEN THE SON OF MAN COMES WILL HE FIND FAITH ON THE EARTH (Luke 18:7-8)?" I believe according to this passage it will continue getting worse for us all here on earth before Jesus returns. In fact it's clear from many other OT and NT prophecies as well things will continue worsening as we near the end. Why would Jesus ask this question if it were not so? He also said the love of many will grow cold and many will fall away. It's only those who truly believe that will find their way. The time is short his return is at hand do we really believe just where do we stand?

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