Have you ever wondered why things in life many times make no sense at all? Once again we learn of yet another senseless tragedy. As you know by now last Friday a deranged man in Norway went on a shooting rampage killing nearly 100 people saying afterward he was simply trying to save Europe then calmly pleaded not guilty. He now claims that two other groups of allies stand ready to join his murderous campaign. Once again we see someone acting out in a way that horribly defies any human logic or reason. How could someone ever do such a thing we wonder and ask ourselves will the madness ever end?
God has clearly revealed to us in his word that in the last days perilous times will come. The human condition will become so corrupt he will eventually have to bring judgment again to earth just as he did in the days of Noah. Here's what God revealed to us in the apostle Paul's second letter to young Timothy, "THIS KNOW ALSO THAT IN THE LAST DAYS PERILOUS TIMES SHALL COME. FOR MEN SHALL BE LOVERS OF THEIR OWN SELVES, COVETOUS, BOASTERS, PROUD, BLASPHEMERS, DISOBEDIENT TO PARENTS, UNTHANKFUL, UNHOLY, WITHOUT NATURAL AFFECTION, TRUCE BREAKERS, FALSE ACCUSERS, INCONTINENT, FIERCE, DESPISERS OF THOSE THAT ARE GOOD (2 Tim 3:1-3)." Does this sound familiar today?
As you know Noah was a prophet of God called in his day to warn the people of impending judgment. If they would listen to his message they would be saved but if not they would be destroyed. Look what God had to say about the condition of mankind in those days, "AND GOD SAW THAT THE WICKEDNESS OF MAN WAS GREAT IN THE EARTH AND THAT EVERY IMAGINATION OF THE THOUGHTS OF HIS HEART WAS ONLY EVIL CONTINUALLY. AND IT REPENTED THE LORD THAT HE HAD MADE MAN ON THE EARTH, AND IT GRIEVED HIM AT HIS HEART (Genesis 6:5-6)." The sin of Noah's day broke God's heart. Only Noah and his family were saved but the rest of mankind perished in the flood.
The people of Noah's day had become so sinful that they just wouldn't listen. He had provided a way of escape through one righteous man but they wouldn't hear. Many today continue ignoring the signs of the times in our day. And once again it is breaking God's heart. Look what Jesus himself had to say, "FOR AS WERE THE DAYS OF NOAH SO WILL BE THE COMING OF THE SON OF MAN. FOR AS IN THOSE DAYS BEFORE THE FLOOD THEY WERE EATING AND DRINKING, MARRYING AND GIVING IN MARRIAGE, UNTIL THE DAY WHEN NOAH ENTERED THE ARK AND THEY WERE UNAWARE UNTIL THE FLOOD CAME AND SWEPT THEM ALL AWAY. SO WILL BE THE COMING OF THE SON OF MAN (Matthew 24:37-39)." The King is coming again and he said to always watch and pray. Will we be ready that day or caught looking the other way?
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