Saturday, August 6, 2011

Divine Plan Delivers Man-Ed Welch & Shawn Smith

Have you ever really stopped to consider the depth of God's love for you personally? Even as believers we tend to forget at times how much he truly loves us. Sadly millions today still don't believe that God even knows about them much less loves them. The fact is God is all knowing and even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Nothing escapes him or is ever hidden from him. God's plan all along for man was to redeem him from the curse of the law by sending his only Son to die on a tree. He then arose so you could be free! King David who God said was a man after his own heart once said this, "BLESS THE LORD OH MY SOUL AND ALL THAT IS WITHIN ME BLESS HIS HOLY NAME. WHO FORGIVETH ALL THINE INIQUITIES, WHO HEALETH ALL THY DISEASES, WHO REDEEMETH THY LIFE FROM DESTRUCTION, WHO CROWNETH THEE WITH LOVINGKINDNESS AND TENDER MERCIES (Psalm 103:1:3-4)."

So how can we know for sure that God truly loves us? Just look what the Apostle Paul said about God's love, "BUT GOD DEMONSTRATED HIS OWN LOVE FOR US IN THAT WHILE WE WERE YET SINNERS CHRIST DIED FOR US. MUCH MORE THEN BEING NOW JUSTIFIED BY HIS BLOOD WE SHALL BE SAVED FROM WRATH THROUGH HIM (Romans 5:8-9)." God not only loves you he is love. He proved it by sending his only Son to die on a cross for you. There's no need to ever doubt his love again. Any time you waver remember Jesus hanging in agony on that tree. Amazingly he did it all for you and for me. He who knew no sin became sin for us that we might be made the righteousness of God. Let there be no doubt love is what God's all about.

You see God always knew you and I would need salvation. Long before Adam and Eve sinned in the garden he had a divine plan to deliver man. Remember what Jesus said on the cross just before he breathed his last? He said, "It is finished." He paid the ultimate price and knew exactly what he came to do. Never forget on the cross he was thinking of you. Feelings come and go but we live by faith and not by sight. The fact is God never changes no matter what you and I may be going through. GOD'S PLAN 4 MAN is posted on our website. Please visit our HOME PAGE at WWW.FULLASSURANCEMINISTRIES.COM today to assure your salvation is fully secure. The Apostle John once said we write these things so that you may "know" you have eternal life.

In addition to GOD'S PLAN 4 MAN posted there Ed Welch, a founding FAM board member, also encourages three vital steps to walking with God. After receiving Jesus as Lord we need to then, "Walk in the light and confess our sins to God (1 John 1:7-9)." Secondly we must obey, "God's commandment to love God and man (Matt 22:37-39)." And thirdly we should develop an eternal perspective in life because eternity awaits so always remember, "God has prepared a place for you to dwell with him (John 14:2-3 & Revelation 21 & 22)." Incredibly all true believers will live with God forever some day! Make sure you're there open your heart and receive him today.

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