Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! As you know millions of people in the world get very down and depressed each year at this time and don't enjoy any real Christmas cheer. Now the season is here once again and for so many it's the same old story once again this year. So many are lost and without hope and without God today believing the lie that he doesn't love them personally and probably doesn't even care. Many believe that God doesn't even exist at all. But if you're a believer today then you've experienced personally the peace and joy only the Lord Jesus Christ can truly give. Can you imagine living life without the hope of a brighter tomorrow in a world filled with so much pain and sorrow? Maybe you're reading this today saying yes because that's me. Unfortunately in a world filled with evil and violence millions still do today refusing to receive the gift of God's only Son personally who is truly the reason for the season the one and only promised one! How sad and tragic that so many choose not to believe and simply receive. Although this shouldn't really surprise us too much after all Jesus himself said the road that leads to life is "narrow" and that "few" ever find it. But before he even created planet earth he knew all along what we would all truly need and what was his miraculous plan for us all one day. Long ago in his day here's what the prophet Isaiah once had to say, "FOR UNTO US A CHILD IS BORN UNTO US A SON IS GIVEN AND THE GOVERNMENT SHALL BE UPON HIS SHOULDER. AND HIS NAME SHALL BE CALLED WONDERFUL, COUNSELOR, THE MIGHTY GOD, THE EVERLASTING FATHER, THE PRINCE OF PEACE (Isaiah 9:6)."
Many today say the word promise and we often make them quite loosely. And although intentions may be well when it comes to delivering on them many times they often just fall through. But that's not the case with our God in fact he's never even told a lie because he can't and so we can know for certain that he never ever will! When long ago God called Abraham to offer up his son Isaac he was totally obedient and by faith he surrendered to him completely and fully answered his call. In fact just prior to offering Isaac as the ultimate sacrifice God intervened at the last moment to deliver his one and only promised son. Then God said this, "BY MYSELF I HAVE SWORN SAITH THE LORD, FOR BECAUSE THOU HAST DONE THIS THING AND HAST NOT WITHHELD THY SON, THY ONLY SON, THAT IN BLESSING I WILL BLESS THEE AND IN MULTIPLYING I WILL MULTIPLY THY SEED AS THE STARS OF HEAVEN AND AS THE SAND WHICH IS UPON THE SEA SHORE AND THY SEED SHALL POSESS THE GATE OF HIS ENEMIES. AND IN THY SEED SHALL ALL THE NATIONS OF THE EARTH BE BLESSED BECAUSE THOU HAST OBEYED MY VOICE (Genesis 23:16-18)." Did you notice that God said in his promise that ALL the nations of the earth would be blessed?
The only thing impossible for God to do is lie. He can't do it and he won't do it. In fact all the promises of God in him are yes and amen. With so much deception in the world today and much more to come who else would we trust or for that reason why? He's proven himself over and over again and all his predictions always come true. Today people are coming to Christ all around the world the gospel is being preached and millions are being reached! In fact Abraham's descendants continue to multiply exactly as God said even to this very day. Look what the writer of Hebrews once had to say, "FOR WHEN GOD MADE PROMISE TO ABRAHAM BECAUSE HE COULD SWEAR BY NO GREATER HE SWARE BY HIMSELF SAYING SURELY BLESSING I WILL BLESS THEE AND MULTIPLYING I WILL MULTIPLY THEE. AND SO AFTER HE HAD PATIENTLY ENDURED HE OBTAINED THE PROMISE (Hebrews 6:13-15)." Abraham was strong in faith believing God knowing that he would deliver and that he would come through. He knew that what God had promised he would one day definitely do.
By giving us his only Son God showed his amazing love for us all here on earth each and every one. Jesus said if I be lifted up I will draw all men to myself. That of course was a reference to his crucifixion and death at Calvary when they hung him up to suffer and die on a tree! When Jesus was here on earth he once asked, "WHEN THE SON OF MAN RETURNS WILL HE FIND FAITH ON THE EARTH (Luke 18:8)?" Sadly as we can see and as you may know things here will continue to just worsen over time before Jesus comes. Unfortunately according to Bible prophecy along with wickedness and violence apathy and apostasy will continue to dominate and define our day. Look at what the Hebrew writer also had to say to all true believers living today, "CAST NOT AWAY THEREFORE YOUR CONFIDENCE WHICH HAS GREAT RECOMPENCE OF REWARD. FOR YOU HAVE NEED OF PATIENCE THAT AFTER YOU HAVE DONE THE WILL OF GOD YOU MIGHT RECEIVE THE PROMISE. FOR YET A LITTLE WHILE AND HE THAT SHALL COME WILL COME AND WILL NOT TARRY. NOW THE JUST SHALL LIVE BY FAITH BUT IF ANY MANY DRAW BACK MY SOUL SHALL HAVE NO PLEASURE IN HIM (Hebrews 10:35-38)." The truth is that without faith it's simply impossible to please God. In fact we're saved by grace through faith in Christ it's the gift of God so no one may boast. God sent his Son to die on a tree clearly proving his love for you and for me! In these perilous times and difficult days like Abraham I wonder will we too trust in him will we keep the faith and endure to the end?
Many today say the word promise and we often make them quite loosely. And although intentions may be well when it comes to delivering on them many times they often just fall through. But that's not the case with our God in fact he's never even told a lie because he can't and so we can know for certain that he never ever will! When long ago God called Abraham to offer up his son Isaac he was totally obedient and by faith he surrendered to him completely and fully answered his call. In fact just prior to offering Isaac as the ultimate sacrifice God intervened at the last moment to deliver his one and only promised son. Then God said this, "BY MYSELF I HAVE SWORN SAITH THE LORD, FOR BECAUSE THOU HAST DONE THIS THING AND HAST NOT WITHHELD THY SON, THY ONLY SON, THAT IN BLESSING I WILL BLESS THEE AND IN MULTIPLYING I WILL MULTIPLY THY SEED AS THE STARS OF HEAVEN AND AS THE SAND WHICH IS UPON THE SEA SHORE AND THY SEED SHALL POSESS THE GATE OF HIS ENEMIES. AND IN THY SEED SHALL ALL THE NATIONS OF THE EARTH BE BLESSED BECAUSE THOU HAST OBEYED MY VOICE (Genesis 23:16-18)." Did you notice that God said in his promise that ALL the nations of the earth would be blessed?
The only thing impossible for God to do is lie. He can't do it and he won't do it. In fact all the promises of God in him are yes and amen. With so much deception in the world today and much more to come who else would we trust or for that reason why? He's proven himself over and over again and all his predictions always come true. Today people are coming to Christ all around the world the gospel is being preached and millions are being reached! In fact Abraham's descendants continue to multiply exactly as God said even to this very day. Look what the writer of Hebrews once had to say, "FOR WHEN GOD MADE PROMISE TO ABRAHAM BECAUSE HE COULD SWEAR BY NO GREATER HE SWARE BY HIMSELF SAYING SURELY BLESSING I WILL BLESS THEE AND MULTIPLYING I WILL MULTIPLY THEE. AND SO AFTER HE HAD PATIENTLY ENDURED HE OBTAINED THE PROMISE (Hebrews 6:13-15)." Abraham was strong in faith believing God knowing that he would deliver and that he would come through. He knew that what God had promised he would one day definitely do.
By giving us his only Son God showed his amazing love for us all here on earth each and every one. Jesus said if I be lifted up I will draw all men to myself. That of course was a reference to his crucifixion and death at Calvary when they hung him up to suffer and die on a tree! When Jesus was here on earth he once asked, "WHEN THE SON OF MAN RETURNS WILL HE FIND FAITH ON THE EARTH (Luke 18:8)?" Sadly as we can see and as you may know things here will continue to just worsen over time before Jesus comes. Unfortunately according to Bible prophecy along with wickedness and violence apathy and apostasy will continue to dominate and define our day. Look at what the Hebrew writer also had to say to all true believers living today, "CAST NOT AWAY THEREFORE YOUR CONFIDENCE WHICH HAS GREAT RECOMPENCE OF REWARD. FOR YOU HAVE NEED OF PATIENCE THAT AFTER YOU HAVE DONE THE WILL OF GOD YOU MIGHT RECEIVE THE PROMISE. FOR YET A LITTLE WHILE AND HE THAT SHALL COME WILL COME AND WILL NOT TARRY. NOW THE JUST SHALL LIVE BY FAITH BUT IF ANY MANY DRAW BACK MY SOUL SHALL HAVE NO PLEASURE IN HIM (Hebrews 10:35-38)." The truth is that without faith it's simply impossible to please God. In fact we're saved by grace through faith in Christ it's the gift of God so no one may boast. God sent his Son to die on a tree clearly proving his love for you and for me! In these perilous times and difficult days like Abraham I wonder will we too trust in him will we keep the faith and endure to the end?
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