Since it's February and we celebrate Valentine's day this month it seemed only fitting to write about love. Love is a word we often use loosely today when expressing ourselves but do we actually know what real love is? Often we use it when describing our favorite food or pastime but we don't actually "love" it because true love is really about giving. We all have our favorites and we prefer special places and certain things but do we prefer one another? The fact is real love is really not about us at all and what we personally prefer. We may thoroughly enjoy someone or something but in our relationships today in general we seem to lack real clarity on the meaning of the word. Many often jump quickly from one relationship to another desperately looking for lasting love. Once the newness of infatuation wears off and reality sets in however they quickly move on to someone else hoping this time somehow things will be different. Unfortunately they often are not. So the saga continues as they sadly move from one broken relationship to another. And as we can see judging by the current divorce rate in our society today things don't appear to be getting any better.
So why is this happening so often in our lives today isn't there a better way? The truth is we're all selfish and sinful by nature and without God first in our lives we all lack the most important type of love. Often we tend to act out instead of look within. Even in the best-case scenarios relationships often fail so no one really is ever truly exempt. Sometimes we just can't explain why things don't work out and it's true circumstances can often dictate the stability of a relationship. Most of us realize that love is not actually a feeling but we still tend to measure it that way. If we feel happy with someone then we're in love. When feelings fade then we're not. We're in love then out of love. He loves me he loves me not. You get the picture and you may know the story. If so you may be wondering today can I ever get off this roller coaster ride and ever find true love? The answer is yes but it's not ever actually found in any temporal earthly relationship as you may have discovered by now. If you're fortunate enough to be in a healthy relationship currently then you're blessed indeed and are an exception to the rule today. Whatever the case may be for you lately the truth is everlasting love can only ever be found by looking above.
If you're a believer today in the Lord Jesus Christ then you know personally that God loves you and you've experienced his love in your life. You may be suffering and struggling in or out of a relationship right now but you believe by faith in God's master plan. You know that Jesus himself said there's no marriage in heaven so you're convinced that one way or another it will all work out in the end. As a believer you also know from his word that his love never fails and he'll never leave you no matter what you're going through. You don't live by feelings because you know they come and go. If you're not a believer yet then please know today that God truly loves you and his Son gave his life for you. Simply believe in him and receive him in your heart today. Look what the apostle Paul had to say to show us all he's the way, "BUT GOD COMMENDETH HIS LOVE TOWARD US IN THAT WHILE WE WERE YET SINNERS CHRIST DIED FOR US. MUCH MORE THEN BEING NOW JUSTIFIED BY HIS BLOOD WE SHALL BE SAVED FROM WRATH THROUGH HIM (Romans 5:8-9)." John the Baptist said this about Jesus when he began his earthly ministry when he proclaimed, "BEHOLD THE LAMB OF GOD WHO TAKES AWAY THE SIN OF THE WORLD (John 1:30)." God loves you but hates sin and that's why he who knew no sin became sin for us that we might be "made" the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus! By his grace he took our place and died on a tree so we could be free.
Wherever you are in life today in your relationships whether good or bad remember what the apostle Paul had to say to help us all along the way,"WHAT I MEAN BROTHERS AND SISTERS IS THAT THE TIME IS SHORT. FROM NOW ON THOSE WHO HAVE WIVES SHOULD LIVE AS IF THEY DO NOT. THOSE WHO MOURN AS IF THEY DID NOT. THOSE WHO ARE HAPPY AS IF THEY WERE NOT. THOSE WHO BUY SOMETHING AS IF IT WERE NOT THEIRS TO KEEP. THOSE WHO USE THE THINGS OF THE WORLD AS IF NOT ENGROSSED IN THEM FOR THIS WORLD IN ITS PRESENT FORM IS PASSING AWAY (1 Corinthians 7:29-31)." If we hold on to anything or anyone too tightly in this life it will only be harder to one day let go. The truth is we're just passing through and we need to discover what God has for us and wants us to do. If you feel alone and are hurting today remember what the writer of Hebrews once had to say, "LET YOUR LIFESTYLE BE WITHOUT COVETOUSNESS AND BE CONTENT WITH SUCH THINGS AS YOU HAVE FOR HE HATH SAID I WILL NEVER LEAVE THEE OR FORSAKE THEE (Hebrews 13:5). Lasting love comes from above and remember God loves you and knows exactly what you're going through. If you're a believer today and are his child he'll never leave you. Seek his face and grow in grace he's with you to the end! He's always there and really does care his love for you is unlike any love anywhere.
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