This is the time of year believers all around the world celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. The fact that Jesus rose again separates Christianity from all other world religions. To fully appreciate his divinity I believe we must first understand his humanity. I'm not sure what you're facing in life today but I know if you're his child he's there for you and he'll see you through. The writer of Hebrews tells us we can now come boldly to the throne of grace to obtain mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. Jesus is our faithful High Priest and is touched with the feelings of our infirmities because he was tempted in all points yet he never sinned. He overcame it all for us when he cried out on the cross, "IT IS FINISHED!" The veil was torn in two from top to bottom and now you and I have access freely to the throne of God's grace by the blood of the Lamb! When Jesus was here on earth he was often moved with compassion while healing the sick and raising the dead. It was that same love and compassion that drove him all the way to the cross to hang in agony all for you and all for me.
Just imagine with me what Jesus was actually facing that fateful day two-thousand years ago. According to Jewish tradition every passover a spotless lamb was to be sacrificed for the sins of the people. This time however it wouldn't be the traditional lamb slain for sin no this time it would be the precious Lamb of God! Knowing his time had finally come Jesus met with his disciples for one last supper. He explained to them that his time had come to die but they just couldn't understand why. When they finished their last meal together they sang a hymn and headed for the Mount of Olives. Once there Jesus began to agonize in prayer sweating great drops of blood. His closest friends had walked with him for three years watching him often heal the sick feed the poor and raise the dead. After all this now he would have to die? All his disciples could do was simply wonder why.
When they arrived at the garden Jesus knew exactly what he had to do, "THEY WENT TO A PLACE CALLED GETHSEMANE AND JESUS SAID TO HIS DISCIPLES 'SIT HERE WHILE I PRAY.' HE TOOK PETER, JAMES, AND JOHN ALONG WITH HIM AND HE BEGAN TO BE DEEPLY DISTRESSED AND TROUBLED, 'MY SOUL IS OVERWHELMED WITH SORROW TO THE POINT OF DEATH' HE SAID TO THEM, 'STAY HERE AND KEEP WATCH' (Mark 14:32-34)." Jesus was so troubled that his sweat became blood facing the cross as he agonized in prayer! Although you and I suffer in life no one has ever had to endure such pain. Here's what the apostle Paul once had to say about what God did for us that unforgettable day, "NOW THEN WE ARE AMBASSADORS FOR CHRIST AS THOUGH GOD DID BESEECH YOU BY US. WE PRAY YOU IN CHRIST'S STEAD BE YE RECONCILED TO GOD. FOR HE HATH MADE HIM TO BE SIN FOR US WHO KNEW NO SIN THAT WE MIGHT BE MADE THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD IN HIM (2 Corinthians 5:20-21)."
That's why he's the perfect sacrifice for all who believe in him because under the old covenant a lamb's blood could only cover sin but now because of Christ our sin is totally cleansed by the blood of the Lamb! Knowing his passion for us I often wonder why so many in the world today don't believe in him. Although fully divine Jesus was also fully human with all the emotions you and I experience today. That's why no matter what we go through in life we can always know he truly cares and understands. If you're his child he's always with you wherever you go and whatever you do. He promised to never leave you or ever forsake you! It's true there's nothing he doesn't know or understand about you. If we look hard enough today we can still see the passion of Christ for us in that agonizing walk up Calvary's hill. We can see it there hanging for us on a cross where our total gain was his total loss. It's true he loves you deeply my friend and he's still there for you. If you doubt that today just remember God simply can't lie and his promises always come true! The question however still remains for us today will we draw closer to him or somehow just drift farther away?
Just imagine with me what Jesus was actually facing that fateful day two-thousand years ago. According to Jewish tradition every passover a spotless lamb was to be sacrificed for the sins of the people. This time however it wouldn't be the traditional lamb slain for sin no this time it would be the precious Lamb of God! Knowing his time had finally come Jesus met with his disciples for one last supper. He explained to them that his time had come to die but they just couldn't understand why. When they finished their last meal together they sang a hymn and headed for the Mount of Olives. Once there Jesus began to agonize in prayer sweating great drops of blood. His closest friends had walked with him for three years watching him often heal the sick feed the poor and raise the dead. After all this now he would have to die? All his disciples could do was simply wonder why.
When they arrived at the garden Jesus knew exactly what he had to do, "THEY WENT TO A PLACE CALLED GETHSEMANE AND JESUS SAID TO HIS DISCIPLES 'SIT HERE WHILE I PRAY.' HE TOOK PETER, JAMES, AND JOHN ALONG WITH HIM AND HE BEGAN TO BE DEEPLY DISTRESSED AND TROUBLED, 'MY SOUL IS OVERWHELMED WITH SORROW TO THE POINT OF DEATH' HE SAID TO THEM, 'STAY HERE AND KEEP WATCH' (Mark 14:32-34)." Jesus was so troubled that his sweat became blood facing the cross as he agonized in prayer! Although you and I suffer in life no one has ever had to endure such pain. Here's what the apostle Paul once had to say about what God did for us that unforgettable day, "NOW THEN WE ARE AMBASSADORS FOR CHRIST AS THOUGH GOD DID BESEECH YOU BY US. WE PRAY YOU IN CHRIST'S STEAD BE YE RECONCILED TO GOD. FOR HE HATH MADE HIM TO BE SIN FOR US WHO KNEW NO SIN THAT WE MIGHT BE MADE THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD IN HIM (2 Corinthians 5:20-21)."
That's why he's the perfect sacrifice for all who believe in him because under the old covenant a lamb's blood could only cover sin but now because of Christ our sin is totally cleansed by the blood of the Lamb! Knowing his passion for us I often wonder why so many in the world today don't believe in him. Although fully divine Jesus was also fully human with all the emotions you and I experience today. That's why no matter what we go through in life we can always know he truly cares and understands. If you're his child he's always with you wherever you go and whatever you do. He promised to never leave you or ever forsake you! It's true there's nothing he doesn't know or understand about you. If we look hard enough today we can still see the passion of Christ for us in that agonizing walk up Calvary's hill. We can see it there hanging for us on a cross where our total gain was his total loss. It's true he loves you deeply my friend and he's still there for you. If you doubt that today just remember God simply can't lie and his promises always come true! The question however still remains for us today will we draw closer to him or somehow just drift farther away?
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