I don't how it feels to you but for me lately time keeps flying by and I just can't seem to stop it no matter how hard I try. Although technology is advancing today at an alarming rate we still continue heading nowhere fast. And though we may think we're quite impressive these days with all our gadgets and toys sadly we've forgotten God in all the traffic and noise. Once long ago as you may recall the prophet Elijah heard God speak to him in a still small voice. A voice it appears we can no longer hear today with so many distractions I fear we're not drawing near. I wonder sometimes if we even care much anyway what God has to say? We're so consumed with all our electronic devices and worldly vices to me there's no doubt we're tuning him out. You may remember that while on earth Jesus once asked what it would profit a man to gain the whole world but lose his own soul? That's right nothing and the apostle Paul said the wisdom of this world is foolishness in God's eyes because he alone is truly wise.
Here's what Paul also once had to say about wisdom in his day, "LET NO MAN DECEIVE HIMSELF. IF ANY MAN AMONG YOU SEEMS TO BE WISE IN THIS WORLD LET HIM BECOME A FOOL SO THAT HE MAY BE WISE FOR THE WISDOM OF THIS WORLD IS FOOLISHNESS WITH GOD. FOR IT IS WRITTEN HE TAKES THE WISE IN THEIR OWN CRAFTINESS. AND AGAIN, THE LORD KNOWS THE THOUGHTS OF THE WISE THAT THEY ARE VAIN (1 Corinthians 3:18-20)." What's that Paul did you say to become a fool so that we can become wise? That's not exactly conventional wisdom but still it's the way especially for us living in the last days. It's really no surprise though that the world keeps falling for lies since they don't see things from God's perspective by looking through his eyes.
In his day King Solomon was the wisest man on earth. You'd think we'd learn from him as well and apply his wisdom to our lives amidst all the chaos today. But why when afterall we've got a wealth of information at our fingertips so who really needs it? But here's what Solomon once said about true wisdom, "THE FEAR OF THE LORD IS THE BEGINNING OF WISDOM AND THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE HOLY ONE IS UNDERSTANDING (Proverbs 9:10)." I once heard it said that the fear of the Lord is a wholesome dread of displeasing him. Now that says it all to me it's healthy and it heals. Solomon said the fear of the Lord is the 'beginning' of wisdom. There's so much to learn about God but sadly we seem content today with doing things our own way.
With so much turmoil in the world already and the great tribulation looming you'd think we'd truly listen to what God has to say. Here's what he once spoke to his servant Daniel concerning the end of this age and what we're all facing very soon one day, "AT THAT TIME MICHAEL THE GREAT PRINCE WHO PROTECTS YOUR PEOPLE WILL ARISE. THERE WILL BE A TIME OF DISTRESS SUCH AS HAS NOT HAPPENED SINCE THE BEGINNING OF NATIONS. BUT AT THAT TIME YOUR PEOPLE, EVERYONE WHOSE NAME IS WRITTEN IN THE BOOK, WILL BE DELIVERED (Daniel 12:1)." And again, "BUT YOU DANIEL CLOSE UP AND SEAL THE WORDS OF THE SCROLL UNTIL THE TIME OF THE END. MANY WILL RUN TO AND FRO AND KNOWLEDGE SHALL INCREASE (Daniel 12:4)." Knowledge today is definitely on the rise but in God's eyes are we really all that wise?
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