Saturday, August 11, 2012

Temporary Highs Everlasting Prize-Shawn Smith

Watching the Summer Olympics lately has really captured our attention to say the least. The dedication and drive to be the best clearly sets these young athletes apart from all the rest. Many of them since childhood have dreamt of one day winning gold for their country. And now we watch today amazed at how well they perform under such intense pressure with the eyes of the whole world watching and with so much at stake. And although for them it seems at the time that nothing's more important than winning gold the truth is there's more to living life as we all know. So much more that God has in store.

In many respects of course the world of athletics is much like the life of the believer in the spiritual realm. And although we're also aiming for gold the truth is seldom in this life is our story ever told. That's because every true believer knows we're striving for success at a much higher level by answering a much higher call. And whatever it takes to achieve our goal will eventually one day be worth it all! It's true that the olympian who wins enjoys a temporary high but the believer competes for an everlasting prize.

Apparently the apostle Paul was also an athlete in his day since here's what he once had to say, "KNOW YE NOT THAT THEY WHICH RUN IN A RACE ALL RUN BUT ONLY ONE RECEIVETH THE PRIZE? SO RUN THAT YE MAY OBTAIN. AND EVERY MAN THAT STRIVETH FOR THE MASTERY IS TEMPERATE IN ALL THINGS. NOW THEY DO IT TO OBTAIN A CORRUPTIBLE CROWN BUT WE AN INCORRUPTIBLE (1 Corinthians 9:24-25)." With so much at stake we need to do whatever it takes to overcome in our personal race. Can you imagine what an impact we'd make on others if we were as dedicated to our spiritual success as the olympic athletes are driven to win?

I believe what it really comes down to is perspective. Eternal perspective. Here's what the apostle also had to say to you and I living today, "FOR WHICH CAUSE WE FAINT NOT. BUT THOUGH OUR OUTWARD MAN PERISH YET THE INWARD MAN IS RENEWED DAY BY DAY. FOR OUR LIGHT AFFLICTION, WHICH IS FOR A MOMENT, WORKETH FOR US A FAR MORE EXCEEDING AND ETERNAL WEIGHT OF GLORY. WHILE WE LOOK NOT AT THE THINGS WHICH ARE SEEN BUT AT THE THINGS WHICH ARE NOT SEEN. FOR THE THINGS WHICH ARE SEEN ARE TEMPORAL BUT THE THINGS WHICH ARE NOT SEEN ARE ETERNAL (2 Corinthians 4:16-18)." If we want to win in the end we must keep our eyes fixed on the prize! The time is short his return is at hand I wonder that day just where will we stand?

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