Friday, November 30, 2012

Earthly Pain Heavenly Gain-Shawn Smith

November has certainly been intense with the latest developments in the Middle East and with our own election here in the United States. All the while Hurricane Sandy devastating thousands along the East Coast leaving scores without power and without homes. Many have nothing and have lost everything. And looming for us all now of course is a financial crisis of such magnitude that experts are predicting an economic collapse from which America and the world itself will never completely recover. In fact the Bible predicts we are headed for a cashless society soon one day where no one can ever buy or sell without taking the mark of the beast (See Revelation 13). And now it appears that we're not as far removed from this new global economic system as we once believed. And apparently there's nothing that you and I can do it's way too late and for sure now we're through. Or are we?

Often God takes the impossible situations in life and displays his awesome power for all to see. Other times he allows disaster or trajedy on earth to visit us for reasons simply unknown. Looking to the Old Testament we see the hand of God squarely on Daniel the prophet and his three Hebrew friends while living in Babylonian captivity. After bravely refusing to bow to an arrogant King the three men were eventually thrown into a fiery furnace. But instead or perishing God intervened delivering them in the midst of the flames for all to see. Not even one hair on their heads was singed! For us today at times in life for reasons we simply don't understand he often allows our trials to persist teaching us to trust him and not to resist. Without faith of course it's "impossible" to please him and he's a rewarder of those who "diligently" seek him (See Hebrews 11). God wants us to grow in grace and to never stop seeking his face. We must never give up and never give in but continue in life drawing closer to him! Knowing always our earthly pain will some day turn to heavenly gain.

You may recall what Jesus once said about life on earth in the last days. He asked that when the Son of Man returns will he find faith on the earth? Of course he knew the answer as always but was instead revealing an all important truth for you and I living today. He was referring to the depth of deception worldwide that will be so prevalent at the end that even the very "elect" would be deceived if that were possible (See Matthew 24). He also predicted that because of sin in the end the love of many would grow cold. Clearly we're seeing more of this attitude today as things continue to unfold. Although many will choose to look away still his predictions are fulfilling precisely today. It continues looking more and more today like things did back in Noah's day. And we all know sadly the end of the generation living back then.

Needless to say we're living in difficult days. But prophetically speaking things in this world will only get worse. The current crisis in the Middle East only serves to confirm once again the infallible truths of Bible prophecy! Look what the prophet Jeremiah once had to say what the future of Israel will soon hold one day, "AND THESE ARE THE WORDS THAT THE LORD SPOKE CONCERNING ISRAEL AND JUDAH. FOR THUS SAITH THE LORD WE HAVE HEARD A VOICE OF TREMBLING OF FEAR AND NOT OF PEACE. ASK NOW AND SEE WHETHER A MAN DOES TRAVAIL WITH CHILD? WHEREFORE DO I SEE EVERY MAN WITH HIS HANDS ON HIS LOINS, AS A WOMAN IN TRAVAIL AND ALL FACES ARE TURNED TO PALE? ALAS! FOR THAT DAY IS GREAT SO THAT NONE IS LIKE IT. IT IS THE DAY OF JACOB'S TROUBLE BUT HE SHALL BE SAVED OUT OF IT (Jeremiah 30:4-7)." Wow and we think life is hard now! It's true life is painful and often unfair but if we look hard enough God's still right there.

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