Thursday, January 1, 2015

Earthly Sorrow Brighter Tomorrow-Shawn Smith

Well another new year is now here and it never ceases to amaze me just how fast time flies. I'd like to take a moment to first of all say Happy New Year and to thank all of you who follow us who pray for us and who support us here at FAM!  We're encouraged greatly by those of you who visit us often to read our posts and watch our videos knowing you're here and we pray we're an encouragement of course to you as well.  And not just to those of you from here in America but also to each of you who visit our site from other countries around the world as well.  It's truly exciting to know you've found us from wherever you are and to have you on board!  The true church of course is the body of Christ from everywhere in the world and not just in the well known regions we're all familiar with.  And we are all members in particular and fill a very important role in God's plan whatever part we may play.  Since we originally launched our blog site here in America just a few short years ago we've received  visits from many other countries as well including places like Russia, France, Germany, South Korea, Malaysia, Hungary, Poland, China, the Philippines, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom to name a few.  So from all of us to all of you from wherever you are in the world today again we say thank you.  And both now and forever as always through our Lord Jesus Christ to God be the glory!  Our goal until Christ comes by God's grace of course is to keep spreading His love and sharing His story.
It's obvious today that we're truly living in perilous times as biblical prophecies continue to fulfill each year precisely as predicted.  In our world today corruption and sin continue on the rise while godliness continues its steady decline. We really shouldn't be surprised by this trend at all however if we know Bible prophecy well. While many in our day continue to believe things will somehow miraculously improve the truth is over time they unfortunately will not.  But for all true believers whatever trials the future holds for us we're always hopeful in any sorrow for a much better and brighter tomorrow!  But until then my friend consider what the apostle Paul once had to say about the last days and what we see unfolding today, "THIS KNOW ALSO THAT IN THE LAST DAYS PERILOUS TIMES WILL COME. FOR MEN SHALL BE LOVERS OF THEMSELVES, COVETOUS, BOASTERS, PROUD, BLASPHEMERS, DISOBEDIENT TO PARENTS, UNTHANKFUL, UNHOLY, WITHOUT NATURAL AFFECTION, TRUCEBREAKERS, FALSE ACCUSERS, INCONTINENT, FIERCE, DESPISERS OF THOSE THAT ARE GOOD. TRAITORS, HEADY, HIGHMINDED, LOVERS OF PLEASURES MORE THAN LOVERS OF GOD. HAVING A FORM OF GODLINESS BUT DENYING THE POWER THEREOF FROM SUCH TURN AWAY (2 Timothy 3:1-5)."  It's hard to say but unfortunately this really does sound all too familiar today.

Of course many leaders and deceivers in our day would have us believe things will eventually get better here some day. But the truth is sadly they will not.  Not according to what true Bible prophecy actually has to say. But for God's people our future with him is always bright no matter how dark it gets outside.  That is if we truly trust in him.  You know that when an expectant mother approaches her delivery date things of course get much tougher and more painful along the way as she longs deeply for a much brighter and better day.  But until then however she must persist and persevere constantly until at last her day of deliverance finally is here.  But until then things only get more difficult over time as her labor pains increase while her due date slowly draws near. Until then she can only wait patiently for the day she'll see her baby's face and the joy that ultimately awaits knowing then her pain will once and for all finally be erased!  Is it just me or does this sound familiar?  If you're a believer suffering through life today longing for the day Jesus finally comes to deliver you and take you away then you can relate.   Incredibly the book of Revelation refers to believers as the "bride" of Christ (See Revelation 9:17).  Very interesting don't you think? 

Paul put it this way when he spoke of the hope all of God's people still hold to today, "FOR WE KNOW THAT THE WHOLE CREATION GROANS AND TRAVAILS IN PAIN TOGETHER UNTIL NOW.  AND NOT ONLY THEY BUT OURSELVES ALSO WHICH HAVE THE FIRSTFRUITS OF THE SPIRIT, EVEN WE OURSELVES GROAN WITHIN OURSELVES WAITING FOR THE ADOPTION TO WIT, THE REDEMPTION OF OUR BODY. FOR WE ARE SAVED BY HOPE BUT HOPE THAT IS SEEN IS NOT HOPE. FOR WHAT A MAN SEES WHY DOES HE YET HOPE FOR IT?  BUT IF WE HOPE FOR WHAT WE DON'T SEE THEN DO WE WITH PATIENCE WAIT FOR IT.  LIKEWISE THE SPIRIT ALSO HELPS OUR INFIRMITIES FOR WE KNOW NOT WHAT WE SHOULD PRAY FOR AS WE SHOULD, BUT THE SPIRIT HIMSELF MAKES INTERCESSION FOR US WITH GROANINGS WHICH CANNOT BE UTTERED (Romans 8:22-26)."  The fact is God loves you still to this day and if you're born again his Spirit is in you and he's helping you pray!  The writer of Hebrews calls this hope every believer has in him the very 'anchor' of our soul.  A hope still today that never disappoints or ever fades away (See Hebrews 6:19).  Today it's true we're living in perilous times surrounded by very obvious and significant signs!  But with all the difficulties and distractions we're all facing this year I wonder will we still seek him will we still draw near? 

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