Our deepest sympathies and heartfelt prayers go out to all those in Paris and the surrounding areas devastated by the brutal terrorist attacks last week. We especially pray for all the parents now mourning the loss of their children as well as their families and for all those wounded. There are really no words to truly express our sorrow for you and how sorry we are for all of your loss. We will continue to pray for you of course and for all those impacted by these vicious terrorist atrocities. It's clear that as we near the end now we continue to see Bible prophecies fulfilling just as the holy apostles and prophets predicted along with of course the Lord Jesus himself! As we've stated here often until Christ comes for us unfortunately things here will only continue to get worse not better as many in their delusion falsely predict. His message to us living at the end of this age was not to be distracted and led astray but to look up and always watch and pray (See Mark 13 and Luke 21).
Here's what the apostle Paul wrote in his day concerning the end of this age and life today, "FOR I RECKON THAT THE SUFFERINGS OF THIS PRESENT TIME ARE NOT WORTHY TO BE COMPARED WITH THE GLORY WHICH SHALL BE REVEALED IN US. FOR THE CREATION WAITS IN EAGER EXPECTATION FOR THE CHILDREN OF GOD TO BE REVEALED. FOR THE CREATION WAS SUBJECTED TO FRUSTRATION, NOT BY ITS OWN CHOICE, BUT BY THE WILL OF HIM WHO SUBJECTED IT IN HOPE THAT THE CREATION ITSELF WILL BE LIBERATED FROM ITS BONDAGE TO DECAY AND BROUGHT INTO THE FREEDOM AND GLORY OF THE CHILDREN OF GOD (Romans 8:18-21)." It's true that until Jesus comes in His kingdom unfortunately things here will only worsen as birth pangs continue in frequency and with ever increasing intensity with each and every one. But for the true believer there is truly the reality now of his appearing any moment like a thief in the night just as predicted to those waiting and watching for Him (See 1 Cor 15, 1 Thess 4 -5). Clearly now we're approaching midnight and as you've noticed it's getting very dark out there. But the world doesn't see because they're badly deceived so the truth is they don't really care. Just as in Noah's day.
Paul also had this to say about the hope for every believer today who's living in the last days, "WE KNOW THAT THE WHOLE CREATION HAS BEEN GROANING AS IN THE PAINS OF CHILDBIRTH RIGHT UP TO THE PRESENT TIME. NOT ONLY SO BUT WE OURSELVES, WHO HAVE THE FIRSTFRUITS OF THE SPIRIT, GROAN INWARDLY AS WE AWAIT EAGERLY FOR OUR ADOPTION TO SONSHIP, THE REDEMPTION OF OUR BODIES. FOR IN THIS HOPE WE WERE SAVED BUT HOPE THAT IS SEEN IS NOT HOPE AT ALL. WHO HOPES FOR WHAT THEY ALREADY HAVE? BUT IF WE HOPE FOR WHAT WE DO NOT YET HAVE WE WAIT FOR IT PATIENTLY (Romans 8:22-25)." The writer of Hebrews calls this hope an anchor for the soul. In every storm of life Jesus is always there to see us through he's always faithful he's always true! In fact the Lord Jesus himself is the very Captain of our salvation and if he's personally your Lord today then know for certain without a doubt he's always there for you (Hebrews 2).
And finally the great apostle also said this, "LIKEWISE THE SPIRIT ALSO HELPS OUR INFIRMITIES FOR WE KNOW NOT WHAT WE SHOULD PRAY FOR AS WE OUGHT BUT THE SPIRIT HIMSELF MAKES INTERCESSION FOR US WITH GROANINGS WHICH CANNOT BE UTTERED. AND HE THAT SEARCHES THE HEARTS KNOWS WHAT IS THE MIND OF THE SPIRIT BECAUSE HE MAKES INTERCESSION FOR THE SAINTS ACCORDING TO THE WILL OF GOD. AND WE KNOW THAT ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER FOR GOOD TO THEM THAT LOVE GOD, TO THEM WHO ARE THE CALLED ACCORDING TO HIS PURPOSE (ROMANS 8:26-28)." With all the pain and suffering in life and the questions we all have at times in spite of it all we can know that God does have a purpose and he does have a plan. I know in the end when we finally see him then we'll fully understand. But for now He sent His Spirit to comfort us and help us pray when we're overwhelmed and don't know what to say. Which can be often at times. We certainly don't understand why things in life often happen as they do but if we keep believing and trust in God somehow someway he'll make a way he'll always see us through!
Here's what the apostle Paul wrote in his day concerning the end of this age and life today, "FOR I RECKON THAT THE SUFFERINGS OF THIS PRESENT TIME ARE NOT WORTHY TO BE COMPARED WITH THE GLORY WHICH SHALL BE REVEALED IN US. FOR THE CREATION WAITS IN EAGER EXPECTATION FOR THE CHILDREN OF GOD TO BE REVEALED. FOR THE CREATION WAS SUBJECTED TO FRUSTRATION, NOT BY ITS OWN CHOICE, BUT BY THE WILL OF HIM WHO SUBJECTED IT IN HOPE THAT THE CREATION ITSELF WILL BE LIBERATED FROM ITS BONDAGE TO DECAY AND BROUGHT INTO THE FREEDOM AND GLORY OF THE CHILDREN OF GOD (Romans 8:18-21)." It's true that until Jesus comes in His kingdom unfortunately things here will only worsen as birth pangs continue in frequency and with ever increasing intensity with each and every one. But for the true believer there is truly the reality now of his appearing any moment like a thief in the night just as predicted to those waiting and watching for Him (See 1 Cor 15, 1 Thess 4 -5). Clearly now we're approaching midnight and as you've noticed it's getting very dark out there. But the world doesn't see because they're badly deceived so the truth is they don't really care. Just as in Noah's day.
Paul also had this to say about the hope for every believer today who's living in the last days, "WE KNOW THAT THE WHOLE CREATION HAS BEEN GROANING AS IN THE PAINS OF CHILDBIRTH RIGHT UP TO THE PRESENT TIME. NOT ONLY SO BUT WE OURSELVES, WHO HAVE THE FIRSTFRUITS OF THE SPIRIT, GROAN INWARDLY AS WE AWAIT EAGERLY FOR OUR ADOPTION TO SONSHIP, THE REDEMPTION OF OUR BODIES. FOR IN THIS HOPE WE WERE SAVED BUT HOPE THAT IS SEEN IS NOT HOPE AT ALL. WHO HOPES FOR WHAT THEY ALREADY HAVE? BUT IF WE HOPE FOR WHAT WE DO NOT YET HAVE WE WAIT FOR IT PATIENTLY (Romans 8:22-25)." The writer of Hebrews calls this hope an anchor for the soul. In every storm of life Jesus is always there to see us through he's always faithful he's always true! In fact the Lord Jesus himself is the very Captain of our salvation and if he's personally your Lord today then know for certain without a doubt he's always there for you (Hebrews 2).
And finally the great apostle also said this, "LIKEWISE THE SPIRIT ALSO HELPS OUR INFIRMITIES FOR WE KNOW NOT WHAT WE SHOULD PRAY FOR AS WE OUGHT BUT THE SPIRIT HIMSELF MAKES INTERCESSION FOR US WITH GROANINGS WHICH CANNOT BE UTTERED. AND HE THAT SEARCHES THE HEARTS KNOWS WHAT IS THE MIND OF THE SPIRIT BECAUSE HE MAKES INTERCESSION FOR THE SAINTS ACCORDING TO THE WILL OF GOD. AND WE KNOW THAT ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER FOR GOOD TO THEM THAT LOVE GOD, TO THEM WHO ARE THE CALLED ACCORDING TO HIS PURPOSE (ROMANS 8:26-28)." With all the pain and suffering in life and the questions we all have at times in spite of it all we can know that God does have a purpose and he does have a plan. I know in the end when we finally see him then we'll fully understand. But for now He sent His Spirit to comfort us and help us pray when we're overwhelmed and don't know what to say. Which can be often at times. We certainly don't understand why things in life often happen as they do but if we keep believing and trust in God somehow someway he'll make a way he'll always see us through!