Friday, November 20, 2015

Deepest Sympathies Heartfelt Prayers-Shawn Smith

Our deepest sympathies and heartfelt prayers go out to all those in Paris and the surrounding areas devastated by the brutal terrorist attacks last week. We especially pray for all the parents now mourning the loss of their children as well as their families and for all those wounded.  There are really no words to truly express our sorrow for you and how sorry we are for all of your loss. We will continue to pray for you of course and for all those impacted by these vicious terrorist atrocities.  It's clear that as we near the end now we continue to see Bible prophecies fulfilling just as the holy apostles and prophets predicted along with of course the Lord Jesus himself! As we've stated here often until Christ comes for us unfortunately things here will only continue to get worse not better as many in their delusion falsely predict.  His message to us living at the end of this age was not to be distracted and led astray but to look up and always watch and pray (See Mark 13 and Luke 21).

Here's what the apostle Paul wrote in his day concerning the end of this age and life today, "FOR I RECKON THAT THE SUFFERINGS OF THIS PRESENT TIME ARE NOT WORTHY TO BE COMPARED WITH THE GLORY WHICH SHALL BE REVEALED IN US. FOR THE CREATION WAITS IN EAGER EXPECTATION FOR THE CHILDREN OF GOD TO BE REVEALED. FOR THE CREATION WAS SUBJECTED TO FRUSTRATION, NOT BY ITS OWN CHOICE, BUT BY THE WILL OF HIM WHO SUBJECTED IT IN HOPE THAT THE CREATION ITSELF WILL BE LIBERATED FROM ITS BONDAGE TO DECAY AND BROUGHT INTO THE FREEDOM AND GLORY OF THE CHILDREN OF GOD (Romans 8:18-21)." It's true that until Jesus comes in His kingdom unfortunately things here will only worsen as birth pangs continue in frequency and with ever increasing intensity with each and every one.  But for the true believer there is truly the reality now of his appearing any moment like a thief in the night just as predicted to those waiting and watching for Him (See 1 Cor 15, 1 Thess 4 -5).  Clearly now we're approaching midnight and as you've noticed it's getting very dark out there.  But the world doesn't see because they're badly deceived so the truth is they don't really care.  Just as in Noah's day.

Paul also had this to say about the hope for every believer today who's living in the last days, "WE KNOW THAT THE WHOLE CREATION HAS BEEN GROANING AS IN THE PAINS OF CHILDBIRTH RIGHT UP TO THE PRESENT TIME. NOT ONLY SO BUT WE OURSELVES, WHO HAVE THE FIRSTFRUITS OF THE SPIRIT, GROAN INWARDLY AS WE AWAIT EAGERLY FOR OUR ADOPTION TO SONSHIP, THE REDEMPTION OF OUR BODIES. FOR IN THIS HOPE WE WERE SAVED BUT HOPE THAT IS SEEN IS NOT HOPE AT ALL. WHO HOPES FOR WHAT THEY ALREADY HAVE? BUT IF WE HOPE FOR WHAT WE DO NOT YET HAVE WE WAIT FOR IT PATIENTLY (Romans 8:22-25)." The writer of Hebrews calls this hope an anchor for the soul.  In every storm of life Jesus is always there to see us through he's always faithful he's always true!  In fact the Lord Jesus himself is the very Captain of our salvation and if he's personally your Lord today then know for certain without a doubt he's always there for you (Hebrews 2).

And finally the great apostle also said this, "LIKEWISE THE SPIRIT ALSO HELPS OUR INFIRMITIES FOR WE KNOW NOT WHAT WE SHOULD PRAY FOR AS WE OUGHT BUT THE SPIRIT HIMSELF MAKES INTERCESSION FOR US WITH GROANINGS WHICH CANNOT BE UTTERED.  AND HE THAT SEARCHES THE HEARTS KNOWS WHAT IS THE MIND OF THE SPIRIT BECAUSE HE MAKES INTERCESSION FOR THE SAINTS ACCORDING TO THE WILL OF GOD. AND WE KNOW THAT ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER FOR GOOD TO THEM THAT LOVE GOD, TO THEM WHO ARE THE CALLED ACCORDING TO HIS PURPOSE (ROMANS 8:26-28)." With all the pain and suffering in life and the questions we all have at times in spite of it all we can know that God does have a purpose and he does have a plan. I know in the end when we finally see him then we'll fully understand.  But for now He sent His Spirit to comfort us and help us pray when we're overwhelmed and don't know what to say. Which can be often at times.  We certainly don't understand why things in life often happen as they do but if we keep believing and trust in God somehow someway he'll make a way he'll always see us through!

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Latter Years Itching Ears-Shawn Smith

Well here we are at the end of October so once again Halloween has arrived on the scene!  I personally have some very fond memories on this day as a child growing up and hopefully you do as well.  But of course much of the innocence that was once there gradually left with each passing year as I grew and the same can be said of you today as well I'm sure. But who knows maybe you still to this day like dressing up in your favorite costume and attending your favorite party every year just for fun or maybe mostly just to draw more undue attention to yourself?  After all we all seem to need more of that somehow.  Or quite possibly you still don your favorite outfit every Halloween simply as an excuse to enjoy the endless array of tasty treats everywhere while all the while secretly disguising your true motives for dressing up every year.  Now that sounds more like me!  Whatever the case for you quite frankly for me Halloween is now more about simply enduring the holiday every October especially with so much evil and violence in the world today.  It tends to take most of the fun away.  Any innocence that was once there for us all both young and old alike these last days is now quickly fading fast.   

To me it's not so much the holiday itself because as with any occasion it's often how we personally view it that matters most.  Thankfully for many concerned parents many churches today wisely offer alternative events for children to enjoy celebrating Halloween in a much safer and more appropriate way.  Halloween is obviously a pagan holiday that has become more and more demonized through the years.  Sadly we have become quite enamored for some reason with evil today and we've long since forgotten what God thinks and what he actually has to say.  As you know the apostle Paul once said that as believers we live in the world but we're not of it.  And the truth is as God's people at whatever age we're all called to come out from among them and be "separate".  In other words we should act and look much different than unbelievers who unlike us as believers know the truth and have the knowledge of God.  Therefore of course any fascination and friendship with this world is enmity towards God and should be firmly resisted and rejected everywhere by all of his people. And not just of course on Halloween but also on every day and night of the year that falls in between.

For me and maybe for you as well the problem lately is simply the growing fascination with evil we seem to have today.  It shouldn't really surprise us though because that's just what the apostles and prophets of old precisely foretold.  Many however simply don't want to hear the truth today or listen to what God has to say. In his second letter to Timothy here's what the apostle Paul himself said about what we clearly see unfolding today, "I CHARGE THEE BEFORE GOD AND THE LORD JESUS CHRIST WHO SHALL JUDGE THE QUICK AND THE DEAD AT HIS APPEARING AND AT HIS KINGDOM, PREACH THE WORD. BE INSTAND IN SEASON AND OUT OF SEASON. REPROVE, REBUKE, AND EXHORT WITH ALL LONGSUFFERING AND DOCTRINE. FOR THE TIME WILL COME WHEN THEY WILL NOT ENDURE SOUND DOCTRINE BUT AFTER THEIR OWN LUSTS SHALL THEY HEAP TO THEMSELVES TEACHERS HAVING ITCHING EARS.  AND THEY SHALL TURN AWAY THEIR EARS FROM THE TRUTH AND SHALL BE TURNED UNTO FABLES (2 Timothy 4:1-4)." Sound familiar?  Of course that's because as predicted we see this everywhere today as many just ignore God and continue turning him away.


Friday, April 3, 2015

Earthly Passion Divine Compassion-Shawn Smith

This is the time of year believers all around the world celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. The fact that Jesus rose again separates Christianity from all other world religions. To fully appreciate his divinity I believe we must first understand his humanity. I'm not sure what you're facing in life today but I know if you're his child he's there for you and he'll see you through. The writer of Hebrews tells us we can now come boldly to the throne of grace to obtain mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. Jesus is our faithful High Priest and is touched with the feelings of our infirmities because he was tempted in all points yet he never sinned. He overcame it all for us when he cried out on the cross, "IT IS FINISHED!" The veil was torn in two from top to bottom and now you and I have access freely to the throne of God's grace by the blood of the Lamb!  When Jesus was here on earth he was often moved with compassion while healing the sick and raising the dead. It was that same love and compassion that drove him all the way to the cross to hang in agony all for you and all for me.

Just imagine with me what Jesus was actually facing that fateful day two-thousand years ago. According to Jewish tradition every passover a spotless lamb was to be sacrificed for the sins of the people. This time however it wouldn't be the traditional lamb slain for sin no this time it would be the precious Lamb of God! Knowing his time had finally come Jesus met with his disciples for one last supper.  He explained to them that his time had come to die but they just couldn't understand why. When they finished their last meal together they sang a hymn and headed for the Mount of Olives. Once there Jesus began to agonize in prayer sweating great drops of blood. His closest friends had walked with him for three years watching him often heal the sick feed the poor and raise the dead.  After all this now he would have to die?  All his disciples could do was simply wonder why.

When they arrived at the garden Jesus knew exactly what he had to do, "THEY WENT TO A PLACE CALLED GETHSEMANE AND JESUS SAID TO HIS DISCIPLES 'SIT HERE WHILE I PRAY.' HE TOOK PETER, JAMES, AND JOHN ALONG WITH HIM AND HE BEGAN TO BE DEEPLY DISTRESSED AND TROUBLED, 'MY SOUL IS OVERWHELMED WITH SORROW TO THE POINT OF DEATH' HE SAID TO THEM, 'STAY HERE AND KEEP WATCH' (Mark 14:32-34)." Jesus was so troubled that his sweat became blood facing the cross as he agonized in prayer! Although you and I suffer in life no one has ever had to endure such pain. Here's what the apostle Paul once had to say about what God did for us that unforgettable day, "NOW THEN WE ARE AMBASSADORS FOR CHRIST AS THOUGH GOD DID BESEECH YOU BY US. WE PRAY YOU IN CHRIST'S STEAD BE YE RECONCILED TO GOD. FOR HE HATH MADE HIM TO BE SIN FOR US WHO KNEW NO SIN THAT WE MIGHT BE MADE THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD IN HIM (2 Corinthians 5:20-21)." 

That's why he's the perfect sacrifice for all who believe in him because under the old covenant a lamb's blood could only cover sin but now because of Christ our sin is totally cleansed by the blood of the Lamb!   Knowing his passion for us I often wonder why so many in the world today don't believe in him. Although fully divine Jesus was also fully human with all the emotions you and I experience today. That's why no matter what we go through in life we can always know he truly cares and understands. If you're his child he's always with you wherever you go and whatever you do.  He promised to never leave you or ever forsake you!  It's true there's nothing he doesn't know or understand about you.  If we look hard enough today we can still see the passion of Christ for us in that agonizing walk up Calvary's hill. We can see it there hanging for us on a cross where our total gain was his total loss.  It's true he loves you deeply my friend and he's still there for you.  If you doubt that today just remember God simply can't lie and his promises always come true!  The question however still remains for us today will we draw closer to him or somehow just drift farther away? 

Monday, March 2, 2015

Perilous Times Significant Signs-Shawn Smith

Lately you may agree it seems like things in the world today just continue to go from bad to worse. That's of course because they are! Although some today falsely predict that things will somehow get better they are sadly mistaken. Here in America we're all dealing with an ongoing economic crises as the dollar shrinks and the deficit rises along with many other serious problems as well.  And while it's true our economy is collapsing here around the world chaos and violence continue to dominate the headlines along with the constant threat of war in the Middle East.  As terrible as this all is as believers this really shouldn't surprise us at all if we know our history and true Bible prophecy well. Because that's exactly what the holy apostles and prophets of old predicted would happen at the end of this age along with of course the Lord Jesus Christ himself! As evil continues its steady rise in the world today rearing its ugly head with relative ease and regularity now sadly righteousness and godliness continue unfortunately to decline. We need to realize if we don't already that obviously there's much more at work behind the scenes today in the spiritual realm where the real battle is actually waged. Maybe you've come to that realization yourself as well lately watching the news unfold completely baffled and bewildered by it all. Surely we must know by now that God's word is much more than just you're average history book. With so much corruption and chaos in the world today it's high time again that we gave its prolific and prophetic pages a long and hard second look.

Many I speak to today sadly often know little or nothing about God's love and plan for their lives personally let alone about what's actually fulfilling prophetically in our world today. Thankfully there are exceptions at times and I'm always pleasantly surprised to find that there are those out there who on occasion actually do. But on average most are blinded from the real truth today.  Here's what the apostle Paul once had to say about life at the end of this age and what we see unfolding today, "THIS KNOW ALSO THAT IN THE LAST DAYS PERILOUS TIMES SHALL COME. FOR MEN SHALL BE LOVERS OF THEIR OWN SELVES, COVETOUS, BOASTERS, PROUD, BLASPHEMERS, DISOBEDIENT TO PARENTS, UNTHANKFUL, UNHOLY, WITHOUT NATURAL AFFECTION, TRUCEBREAKERS, FALSE ACCUSERS, INCONTINENT, FIERCE, DESPISERS OF THOSE THAT ARE GOOD. TRAITORS, HEADY, HIGHMINDED, LOVERS OF PLEASURES MORE THAN LOVERS OF GOD HAVING A FORM OF GODLINESS BUT DENYING THE POWER THEREOF, FROM SUCH TURN AWAY (2 Timothy 3:1-5)." Does that sound familiar?  Yes because of course like me you see this clearly today and just how prevalent it is now sadly in our world today.  In light of all this I truly hope you and I never forget to always watch and pray!

Often as humans however we simply don't want to face the facts. It's much easier to pretend that somehow someday the peril prevalent today will all just go away and life will eventually return to normal again one day. After all we have enough problems of our own so why should we concern ourselves with the rest of the world? The truth is that just as predicted things will continue to worsen over time whether we believe it or not because God has clearly revealed what the future of the world truly holds. Of course we'd all like to believe somehow things will eventually get better here but sadly things will not because in his word God has made it all perfectly clear. In fact here's what the apostle Peter also had to say about life as we near the end today, "KNOWING THIS FIRST THAT THERE SHALL COME IN THE LAST DAYS SCOFFERS WALKING AFTER THEIR OWN LUST AND SAYING, WHERE IS THE PROMISE OF HIS COMING? FOR SINCE THE FATHERS FELL ASLEEP ALL THINGS CONTINUE AS THEY WERE FROM THE BEGINNING OF CREATION (2 Peter 3:3-4)." They say what?! Sadly what these scoffers somehow choose to ignore is that the flood in Noah's day actually did occur in fact on earth once before.  And as you may know Jesus himself once said life in the last days would be just as they were long ago back in Noah's day.

And now we are quickly approaching the end of this age and God's judgment upon an evil and sinful world is once again looming. But this time as you may know if you're well read it will not be by flood but by fire instead! So what can you and I do today to overcome the present evil of our day?  Walk in love and grow in God's grace always determined to keep seeking his face.  And of course come what may always listening carefully to what Jesus himself and all the holy apostles and prophets also had to say, "BUT THE DAY OF THE LORD WILL COME AS A THIEF IN THE NIGHT IN WHICH THE HEAVENS SHALL PASS AWAY WITH A GREAT NOISE AND THE ELEMENTS SHALL MELT WITH FERVENT HEAT. THE EARTH ALSO AND THE WORKS THAT ARE THEREIN SHALL BE BURNED UP. SEEING THEN THAT ALL THESE THINGS SHALL BE DISSOLVED, WHAT MANNER OF PERSONS OUGHT YE TO BE IN ALL HOLY CONVERSATION AND GODLINESS LOOKING FOR AND HASTING UNTO THE COMING OF THE DAY OF GOD WHERIN THE HEAVENS BEING ON FIRE SHALL BE DISSOLVED AND THE ELEMENTS SHALL MELT WITH FERVENT HEAT? NEVERTHELESS WE, ACCORDING TO HIS PROMISE, LOOK FOR NEW HEAVENS AND A NEW EARTH WHERIN DWELLETH RIGHTEOUSNESS. WHEREFORE BELOVED SEEING THAT YE LOOK FOR SUCH THINGS BE DILIGENT THAT YE MAY BE FOUND OF HIM IN PEACE WITHOUT SPOT AND BLAMELESS (2 Peter 3:10-14)."   Today violence and corruption is on the rise just as predicted and we're obviously now living in perilous times.  But the question remains as we near the end will we draw closer to Him and farther from sin?         

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Earthly Sorrow Brighter Tomorrow-Shawn Smith

Well another new year is now here and it never ceases to amaze me just how fast time flies. I'd like to take a moment to first of all say Happy New Year and to thank all of you who follow us who pray for us and who support us here at FAM!  We're encouraged greatly by those of you who visit us often to read our posts and watch our videos knowing you're here and we pray we're an encouragement of course to you as well.  And not just to those of you from here in America but also to each of you who visit our site from other countries around the world as well.  It's truly exciting to know you've found us from wherever you are and to have you on board!  The true church of course is the body of Christ from everywhere in the world and not just in the well known regions we're all familiar with.  And we are all members in particular and fill a very important role in God's plan whatever part we may play.  Since we originally launched our blog site here in America just a few short years ago we've received  visits from many other countries as well including places like Russia, France, Germany, South Korea, Malaysia, Hungary, Poland, China, the Philippines, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom to name a few.  So from all of us to all of you from wherever you are in the world today again we say thank you.  And both now and forever as always through our Lord Jesus Christ to God be the glory!  Our goal until Christ comes by God's grace of course is to keep spreading His love and sharing His story.
It's obvious today that we're truly living in perilous times as biblical prophecies continue to fulfill each year precisely as predicted.  In our world today corruption and sin continue on the rise while godliness continues its steady decline. We really shouldn't be surprised by this trend at all however if we know Bible prophecy well. While many in our day continue to believe things will somehow miraculously improve the truth is over time they unfortunately will not.  But for all true believers whatever trials the future holds for us we're always hopeful in any sorrow for a much better and brighter tomorrow!  But until then my friend consider what the apostle Paul once had to say about the last days and what we see unfolding today, "THIS KNOW ALSO THAT IN THE LAST DAYS PERILOUS TIMES WILL COME. FOR MEN SHALL BE LOVERS OF THEMSELVES, COVETOUS, BOASTERS, PROUD, BLASPHEMERS, DISOBEDIENT TO PARENTS, UNTHANKFUL, UNHOLY, WITHOUT NATURAL AFFECTION, TRUCEBREAKERS, FALSE ACCUSERS, INCONTINENT, FIERCE, DESPISERS OF THOSE THAT ARE GOOD. TRAITORS, HEADY, HIGHMINDED, LOVERS OF PLEASURES MORE THAN LOVERS OF GOD. HAVING A FORM OF GODLINESS BUT DENYING THE POWER THEREOF FROM SUCH TURN AWAY (2 Timothy 3:1-5)."  It's hard to say but unfortunately this really does sound all too familiar today.

Of course many leaders and deceivers in our day would have us believe things will eventually get better here some day. But the truth is sadly they will not.  Not according to what true Bible prophecy actually has to say. But for God's people our future with him is always bright no matter how dark it gets outside.  That is if we truly trust in him.  You know that when an expectant mother approaches her delivery date things of course get much tougher and more painful along the way as she longs deeply for a much brighter and better day.  But until then however she must persist and persevere constantly until at last her day of deliverance finally is here.  But until then things only get more difficult over time as her labor pains increase while her due date slowly draws near. Until then she can only wait patiently for the day she'll see her baby's face and the joy that ultimately awaits knowing then her pain will once and for all finally be erased!  Is it just me or does this sound familiar?  If you're a believer suffering through life today longing for the day Jesus finally comes to deliver you and take you away then you can relate.   Incredibly the book of Revelation refers to believers as the "bride" of Christ (See Revelation 9:17).  Very interesting don't you think? 

Paul put it this way when he spoke of the hope all of God's people still hold to today, "FOR WE KNOW THAT THE WHOLE CREATION GROANS AND TRAVAILS IN PAIN TOGETHER UNTIL NOW.  AND NOT ONLY THEY BUT OURSELVES ALSO WHICH HAVE THE FIRSTFRUITS OF THE SPIRIT, EVEN WE OURSELVES GROAN WITHIN OURSELVES WAITING FOR THE ADOPTION TO WIT, THE REDEMPTION OF OUR BODY. FOR WE ARE SAVED BY HOPE BUT HOPE THAT IS SEEN IS NOT HOPE. FOR WHAT A MAN SEES WHY DOES HE YET HOPE FOR IT?  BUT IF WE HOPE FOR WHAT WE DON'T SEE THEN DO WE WITH PATIENCE WAIT FOR IT.  LIKEWISE THE SPIRIT ALSO HELPS OUR INFIRMITIES FOR WE KNOW NOT WHAT WE SHOULD PRAY FOR AS WE SHOULD, BUT THE SPIRIT HIMSELF MAKES INTERCESSION FOR US WITH GROANINGS WHICH CANNOT BE UTTERED (Romans 8:22-26)."  The fact is God loves you still to this day and if you're born again his Spirit is in you and he's helping you pray!  The writer of Hebrews calls this hope every believer has in him the very 'anchor' of our soul.  A hope still today that never disappoints or ever fades away (See Hebrews 6:19).  Today it's true we're living in perilous times surrounded by very obvious and significant signs!  But with all the difficulties and distractions we're all facing this year I wonder will we still seek him will we still draw near?