Friday, December 7, 2012
Friday, November 30, 2012
Earthly Pain Heavenly Gain-Shawn Smith
November has certainly been intense with the latest developments in the Middle East and with our own election here in the United States. All the while Hurricane Sandy devastating thousands along the East Coast leaving scores without power and without homes. Many have nothing and have lost everything. And looming for us all now of course is a financial crisis of such magnitude that experts are predicting an economic collapse from which America and the world itself will never completely recover. In fact the Bible predicts we are headed for a cashless society soon one day where no one can ever buy or sell without taking the mark of the beast (See Revelation 13). And now it appears that we're not as far removed from this new global economic system as we once believed. And apparently there's nothing that you and I can do it's way too late and for sure now we're through. Or are we?
Often God takes the impossible situations in life and displays his awesome power for all to see. Other times he allows disaster or trajedy on earth to visit us for reasons simply unknown. Looking to the Old Testament we see the hand of God squarely on Daniel the prophet and his three Hebrew friends while living in Babylonian captivity. After bravely refusing to bow to an arrogant King the three men were eventually thrown into a fiery furnace. But instead or perishing God intervened delivering them in the midst of the flames for all to see. Not even one hair on their heads was singed! For us today at times in life for reasons we simply don't understand he often allows our trials to persist teaching us to trust him and not to resist. Without faith of course it's "impossible" to please him and he's a rewarder of those who "diligently" seek him (See Hebrews 11). God wants us to grow in grace and to never stop seeking his face. We must never give up and never give in but continue in life drawing closer to him! Knowing always our earthly pain will some day turn to heavenly gain.
You may recall what Jesus once said about life on earth in the last days. He asked that when the Son of Man returns will he find faith on the earth? Of course he knew the answer as always but was instead revealing an all important truth for you and I living today. He was referring to the depth of deception worldwide that will be so prevalent at the end that even the very "elect" would be deceived if that were possible (See Matthew 24). He also predicted that because of sin in the end the love of many would grow cold. Clearly we're seeing more of this attitude today as things continue to unfold. Although many will choose to look away still his predictions are fulfilling precisely today. It continues looking more and more today like things did back in Noah's day. And we all know sadly the end of the generation living back then.
Needless to say we're living in difficult days. But prophetically speaking things in this world will only get worse. The current crisis in the Middle East only serves to confirm once again the infallible truths of Bible prophecy! Look what the prophet Jeremiah once had to say what the future of Israel will soon hold one day, "AND THESE ARE THE WORDS THAT THE LORD SPOKE CONCERNING ISRAEL AND JUDAH. FOR THUS SAITH THE LORD WE HAVE HEARD A VOICE OF TREMBLING OF FEAR AND NOT OF PEACE. ASK NOW AND SEE WHETHER A MAN DOES TRAVAIL WITH CHILD? WHEREFORE DO I SEE EVERY MAN WITH HIS HANDS ON HIS LOINS, AS A WOMAN IN TRAVAIL AND ALL FACES ARE TURNED TO PALE? ALAS! FOR THAT DAY IS GREAT SO THAT NONE IS LIKE IT. IT IS THE DAY OF JACOB'S TROUBLE BUT HE SHALL BE SAVED OUT OF IT (Jeremiah 30:4-7)." Wow and we think life is hard now! It's true life is painful and often unfair but if we look hard enough God's still right there.
Often God takes the impossible situations in life and displays his awesome power for all to see. Other times he allows disaster or trajedy on earth to visit us for reasons simply unknown. Looking to the Old Testament we see the hand of God squarely on Daniel the prophet and his three Hebrew friends while living in Babylonian captivity. After bravely refusing to bow to an arrogant King the three men were eventually thrown into a fiery furnace. But instead or perishing God intervened delivering them in the midst of the flames for all to see. Not even one hair on their heads was singed! For us today at times in life for reasons we simply don't understand he often allows our trials to persist teaching us to trust him and not to resist. Without faith of course it's "impossible" to please him and he's a rewarder of those who "diligently" seek him (See Hebrews 11). God wants us to grow in grace and to never stop seeking his face. We must never give up and never give in but continue in life drawing closer to him! Knowing always our earthly pain will some day turn to heavenly gain.
You may recall what Jesus once said about life on earth in the last days. He asked that when the Son of Man returns will he find faith on the earth? Of course he knew the answer as always but was instead revealing an all important truth for you and I living today. He was referring to the depth of deception worldwide that will be so prevalent at the end that even the very "elect" would be deceived if that were possible (See Matthew 24). He also predicted that because of sin in the end the love of many would grow cold. Clearly we're seeing more of this attitude today as things continue to unfold. Although many will choose to look away still his predictions are fulfilling precisely today. It continues looking more and more today like things did back in Noah's day. And we all know sadly the end of the generation living back then.
Needless to say we're living in difficult days. But prophetically speaking things in this world will only get worse. The current crisis in the Middle East only serves to confirm once again the infallible truths of Bible prophecy! Look what the prophet Jeremiah once had to say what the future of Israel will soon hold one day, "AND THESE ARE THE WORDS THAT THE LORD SPOKE CONCERNING ISRAEL AND JUDAH. FOR THUS SAITH THE LORD WE HAVE HEARD A VOICE OF TREMBLING OF FEAR AND NOT OF PEACE. ASK NOW AND SEE WHETHER A MAN DOES TRAVAIL WITH CHILD? WHEREFORE DO I SEE EVERY MAN WITH HIS HANDS ON HIS LOINS, AS A WOMAN IN TRAVAIL AND ALL FACES ARE TURNED TO PALE? ALAS! FOR THAT DAY IS GREAT SO THAT NONE IS LIKE IT. IT IS THE DAY OF JACOB'S TROUBLE BUT HE SHALL BE SAVED OUT OF IT (Jeremiah 30:4-7)." Wow and we think life is hard now! It's true life is painful and often unfair but if we look hard enough God's still right there.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Monday, September 17, 2012
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Temporary Highs Everlasting Prize-Shawn Smith
Watching the Summer Olympics lately has really captured our attention to say the least. The dedication and drive to be the best clearly sets these young athletes apart from all the rest. Many of them since childhood have dreamt of one day winning gold for their country. And now we watch today amazed at how well they perform under such intense pressure with the eyes of the whole world watching and with so much at stake. And although for them it seems at the time that nothing's more important than winning gold the truth is there's more to living life as we all know. So much more that God has in store.
In many respects of course the world of athletics is much like the life of the believer in the spiritual realm. And although we're also aiming for gold the truth is seldom in this life is our story ever told. That's because every true believer knows we're striving for success at a much higher level by answering a much higher call. And whatever it takes to achieve our goal will eventually one day be worth it all! It's true that the olympian who wins enjoys a temporary high but the believer competes for an everlasting prize.
Apparently the apostle Paul was also an athlete in his day since here's what he once had to say, "KNOW YE NOT THAT THEY WHICH RUN IN A RACE ALL RUN BUT ONLY ONE RECEIVETH THE PRIZE? SO RUN THAT YE MAY OBTAIN. AND EVERY MAN THAT STRIVETH FOR THE MASTERY IS TEMPERATE IN ALL THINGS. NOW THEY DO IT TO OBTAIN A CORRUPTIBLE CROWN BUT WE AN INCORRUPTIBLE (1 Corinthians 9:24-25)." With so much at stake we need to do whatever it takes to overcome in our personal race. Can you imagine what an impact we'd make on others if we were as dedicated to our spiritual success as the olympic athletes are driven to win?
I believe what it really comes down to is perspective. Eternal perspective. Here's what the apostle also had to say to you and I living today, "FOR WHICH CAUSE WE FAINT NOT. BUT THOUGH OUR OUTWARD MAN PERISH YET THE INWARD MAN IS RENEWED DAY BY DAY. FOR OUR LIGHT AFFLICTION, WHICH IS FOR A MOMENT, WORKETH FOR US A FAR MORE EXCEEDING AND ETERNAL WEIGHT OF GLORY. WHILE WE LOOK NOT AT THE THINGS WHICH ARE SEEN BUT AT THE THINGS WHICH ARE NOT SEEN. FOR THE THINGS WHICH ARE SEEN ARE TEMPORAL BUT THE THINGS WHICH ARE NOT SEEN ARE ETERNAL (2 Corinthians 4:16-18)." If we want to win in the end we must keep our eyes fixed on the prize! The time is short his return is at hand I wonder that day just where will we stand?
In many respects of course the world of athletics is much like the life of the believer in the spiritual realm. And although we're also aiming for gold the truth is seldom in this life is our story ever told. That's because every true believer knows we're striving for success at a much higher level by answering a much higher call. And whatever it takes to achieve our goal will eventually one day be worth it all! It's true that the olympian who wins enjoys a temporary high but the believer competes for an everlasting prize.
Apparently the apostle Paul was also an athlete in his day since here's what he once had to say, "KNOW YE NOT THAT THEY WHICH RUN IN A RACE ALL RUN BUT ONLY ONE RECEIVETH THE PRIZE? SO RUN THAT YE MAY OBTAIN. AND EVERY MAN THAT STRIVETH FOR THE MASTERY IS TEMPERATE IN ALL THINGS. NOW THEY DO IT TO OBTAIN A CORRUPTIBLE CROWN BUT WE AN INCORRUPTIBLE (1 Corinthians 9:24-25)." With so much at stake we need to do whatever it takes to overcome in our personal race. Can you imagine what an impact we'd make on others if we were as dedicated to our spiritual success as the olympic athletes are driven to win?
I believe what it really comes down to is perspective. Eternal perspective. Here's what the apostle also had to say to you and I living today, "FOR WHICH CAUSE WE FAINT NOT. BUT THOUGH OUR OUTWARD MAN PERISH YET THE INWARD MAN IS RENEWED DAY BY DAY. FOR OUR LIGHT AFFLICTION, WHICH IS FOR A MOMENT, WORKETH FOR US A FAR MORE EXCEEDING AND ETERNAL WEIGHT OF GLORY. WHILE WE LOOK NOT AT THE THINGS WHICH ARE SEEN BUT AT THE THINGS WHICH ARE NOT SEEN. FOR THE THINGS WHICH ARE SEEN ARE TEMPORAL BUT THE THINGS WHICH ARE NOT SEEN ARE ETERNAL (2 Corinthians 4:16-18)." If we want to win in the end we must keep our eyes fixed on the prize! The time is short his return is at hand I wonder that day just where will we stand?
Monday, August 6, 2012
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Godly Fear Drawing Near-Shawn Smith
I don't how it feels to you but for me lately time keeps flying by and I just can't seem to stop it no matter how hard I try. Although technology is advancing today at an alarming rate we still continue heading nowhere fast. And though we may think we're quite impressive these days with all our gadgets and toys sadly we've forgotten God in all the traffic and noise. Once long ago as you may recall the prophet Elijah heard God speak to him in a still small voice. A voice it appears we can no longer hear today with so many distractions I fear we're not drawing near. I wonder sometimes if we even care much anyway what God has to say? We're so consumed with all our electronic devices and worldly vices to me there's no doubt we're tuning him out. You may remember that while on earth Jesus once asked what it would profit a man to gain the whole world but lose his own soul? That's right nothing and the apostle Paul said the wisdom of this world is foolishness in God's eyes because he alone is truly wise.
Here's what Paul also once had to say about wisdom in his day, "LET NO MAN DECEIVE HIMSELF. IF ANY MAN AMONG YOU SEEMS TO BE WISE IN THIS WORLD LET HIM BECOME A FOOL SO THAT HE MAY BE WISE FOR THE WISDOM OF THIS WORLD IS FOOLISHNESS WITH GOD. FOR IT IS WRITTEN HE TAKES THE WISE IN THEIR OWN CRAFTINESS. AND AGAIN, THE LORD KNOWS THE THOUGHTS OF THE WISE THAT THEY ARE VAIN (1 Corinthians 3:18-20)." What's that Paul did you say to become a fool so that we can become wise? That's not exactly conventional wisdom but still it's the way especially for us living in the last days. It's really no surprise though that the world keeps falling for lies since they don't see things from God's perspective by looking through his eyes.
In his day King Solomon was the wisest man on earth. You'd think we'd learn from him as well and apply his wisdom to our lives amidst all the chaos today. But why when afterall we've got a wealth of information at our fingertips so who really needs it? But here's what Solomon once said about true wisdom, "THE FEAR OF THE LORD IS THE BEGINNING OF WISDOM AND THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE HOLY ONE IS UNDERSTANDING (Proverbs 9:10)." I once heard it said that the fear of the Lord is a wholesome dread of displeasing him. Now that says it all to me it's healthy and it heals. Solomon said the fear of the Lord is the 'beginning' of wisdom. There's so much to learn about God but sadly we seem content today with doing things our own way.
With so much turmoil in the world already and the great tribulation looming you'd think we'd truly listen to what God has to say. Here's what he once spoke to his servant Daniel concerning the end of this age and what we're all facing very soon one day, "AT THAT TIME MICHAEL THE GREAT PRINCE WHO PROTECTS YOUR PEOPLE WILL ARISE. THERE WILL BE A TIME OF DISTRESS SUCH AS HAS NOT HAPPENED SINCE THE BEGINNING OF NATIONS. BUT AT THAT TIME YOUR PEOPLE, EVERYONE WHOSE NAME IS WRITTEN IN THE BOOK, WILL BE DELIVERED (Daniel 12:1)." And again, "BUT YOU DANIEL CLOSE UP AND SEAL THE WORDS OF THE SCROLL UNTIL THE TIME OF THE END. MANY WILL RUN TO AND FRO AND KNOWLEDGE SHALL INCREASE (Daniel 12:4)." Knowledge today is definitely on the rise but in God's eyes are we really all that wise?
Here's what Paul also once had to say about wisdom in his day, "LET NO MAN DECEIVE HIMSELF. IF ANY MAN AMONG YOU SEEMS TO BE WISE IN THIS WORLD LET HIM BECOME A FOOL SO THAT HE MAY BE WISE FOR THE WISDOM OF THIS WORLD IS FOOLISHNESS WITH GOD. FOR IT IS WRITTEN HE TAKES THE WISE IN THEIR OWN CRAFTINESS. AND AGAIN, THE LORD KNOWS THE THOUGHTS OF THE WISE THAT THEY ARE VAIN (1 Corinthians 3:18-20)." What's that Paul did you say to become a fool so that we can become wise? That's not exactly conventional wisdom but still it's the way especially for us living in the last days. It's really no surprise though that the world keeps falling for lies since they don't see things from God's perspective by looking through his eyes.
In his day King Solomon was the wisest man on earth. You'd think we'd learn from him as well and apply his wisdom to our lives amidst all the chaos today. But why when afterall we've got a wealth of information at our fingertips so who really needs it? But here's what Solomon once said about true wisdom, "THE FEAR OF THE LORD IS THE BEGINNING OF WISDOM AND THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE HOLY ONE IS UNDERSTANDING (Proverbs 9:10)." I once heard it said that the fear of the Lord is a wholesome dread of displeasing him. Now that says it all to me it's healthy and it heals. Solomon said the fear of the Lord is the 'beginning' of wisdom. There's so much to learn about God but sadly we seem content today with doing things our own way.
With so much turmoil in the world already and the great tribulation looming you'd think we'd truly listen to what God has to say. Here's what he once spoke to his servant Daniel concerning the end of this age and what we're all facing very soon one day, "AT THAT TIME MICHAEL THE GREAT PRINCE WHO PROTECTS YOUR PEOPLE WILL ARISE. THERE WILL BE A TIME OF DISTRESS SUCH AS HAS NOT HAPPENED SINCE THE BEGINNING OF NATIONS. BUT AT THAT TIME YOUR PEOPLE, EVERYONE WHOSE NAME IS WRITTEN IN THE BOOK, WILL BE DELIVERED (Daniel 12:1)." And again, "BUT YOU DANIEL CLOSE UP AND SEAL THE WORDS OF THE SCROLL UNTIL THE TIME OF THE END. MANY WILL RUN TO AND FRO AND KNOWLEDGE SHALL INCREASE (Daniel 12:4)." Knowledge today is definitely on the rise but in God's eyes are we really all that wise?
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Sincere Hearts Set Apart-Shawn Smith
Lately I've been spending some time in the book of Psalms. It's full of course of the cries and prayers of some very special men who truly loved God. The older I get and the more I search the scriptures I see just how important our real motives in life truly are. The truth is what matters to others does matter to me but what matters to God matters most to me. And I trust that's also the case for you as well. So in my quest I recently came across Psalm 119 which is the longest Psalm recorded as you may know so I decided to spend some time there meditating a while. I found that six times the psalmist expresses his desire to know God with his "whole" heart. Although we can't know for certain who authored this particular Psalm I believe and scholars tend to agree it's none other than David himself. When God called David to be the next king of Israel inheriting the throne he was merely a shepherd boy keeping sheep. Merely a shepherd boy? Actually he'd already wrestled with a lion and a bear defending his father's flock living to tell about it! Personal victory's he'd won alone with God behind the scenes sight unseen. But all of David's brothers each hoped that they indeed would be the one the prophet Samuel would anoint to be the next king. But it wasn't meant to be for out in the field there was still Jesse's youngest son faithfully tending his father's sheep. The one with a heart of gold who's story today is still being told.
Jesse must have been confused when one by one Samuel denied each and every son. You can imagine his surprise when the prophet finally summoned for David who was the only one originally uninvited to the ceremony. To them all it was a very strange thing that God would call this young man to be king. But look what God had to say about David long ago on that unforgettable day, "FOR THE LORD SEES NOT AS MAN SEES FOR MAN LOOKS ON THE OUTER APPEARANCE BUT THE LORD LOOKS UPON THE HEART (1 Samuel 16:7)." God always sees through our disguise and as we look around today we see a generation obsessed with how we look and how we dress. And here in America especially from entertainers to athletes our idols are everywhere. We're consumed with an insatiable appetite for attention and it's killing us from the inside out. Hollywood has had its way with us unfortunately and I wonder today in God do we really still trust? Although it's true we can often fool others in our efforts to hide still God always knows what's deep down inside. He's never fooled or surprised by anything we hide or try and disguise. He always sees right through and nothing is ever hidden from his point of view, "NEITHER IS THERE ANY CREATURE THAT IS NOT MANIFEST IN HIS SIGHT BUT ALL THINGS ARE NAKED AND OPENED UNTO THE EYES OF HIM WITH WHOM WE HAVE TO DO (Hebrews 4:13)."
In the garden Adam originally sinned by eating the forbidden fruit then tried to hide. God called out to him and said 'Adam where are you'? No God didn't somehow misplace him but knew of course exactly where he was. Adam was ashamed and was trying desperately to hide away and I wonder today have you ever felt that way? I often have and our tendency is to also run instead of turning quickly back to him. That's really what repentance is all about it means to turn around and head the other way. Our problem of course is our sin and it separates us from him just as with Adam and Eve and their original sin. Like it or not we're their descendants and we've all inherited their nature. But incredibly while on the cross Jesus said 'It is finished' and he rent the veil in two. What was finished? The debt for our sin was now paid in full! He who knew no sin became sin for us that we might be made the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. So now as believers you and I have an open invitation to freely come to him by the blood of the Lamb any time any day. Look what the Hebrew writer also had to say, "FOR WE HAVE NOT A HIGH PRIEST WHICH CANNOT BE TOUCHED WITH THE FEELING OF OUR INFIRMITIES BUT WAS IN ALL POINTS TEMPTED LIKE AS WE ARE YET WITHOUT SIN. LET US THEREFORE COME BOLDLY UNTO THE THRONE OF GRACE THAT WE MAY OBTAIN MERCY AND FIND GRACE TO HELP IN TIME OF NEED (Hebrews 4:15-16)." Jesus is our faithful and merciful High Priest and now because of him we are always invited in!
David came to know God intimately very early in life gazing at stars while keeping sheep. It was there alone with God that he learned of his infinite power and love. David was in awe of God and his creation seeing his handiwork magnificently on display night after night throughout the heavens. Many of us today know about God to some degree but do we really know him? Do we seek and search for him with all of our hearts and do we know his voice? What's amazing to me is that even though he knows every detail of our lives even so he loves us still. He's not moved like we are at times by circumstances living by feelings that often change. And although we often waver God never does and his children can always count on his loving arms to carry them through. We can never earn his love and we never deserve it even on our best day. Simply put our righteousness to God is as filthy rags and Christ in us alone is our hope of glory! The truth is we're nothing without him but lost and alone in all of our sin. Long ago God called David and David responded with all of his heart. Today again he's calling us near but are we listening and can we still hear?
Jesse must have been confused when one by one Samuel denied each and every son. You can imagine his surprise when the prophet finally summoned for David who was the only one originally uninvited to the ceremony. To them all it was a very strange thing that God would call this young man to be king. But look what God had to say about David long ago on that unforgettable day, "FOR THE LORD SEES NOT AS MAN SEES FOR MAN LOOKS ON THE OUTER APPEARANCE BUT THE LORD LOOKS UPON THE HEART (1 Samuel 16:7)." God always sees through our disguise and as we look around today we see a generation obsessed with how we look and how we dress. And here in America especially from entertainers to athletes our idols are everywhere. We're consumed with an insatiable appetite for attention and it's killing us from the inside out. Hollywood has had its way with us unfortunately and I wonder today in God do we really still trust? Although it's true we can often fool others in our efforts to hide still God always knows what's deep down inside. He's never fooled or surprised by anything we hide or try and disguise. He always sees right through and nothing is ever hidden from his point of view, "NEITHER IS THERE ANY CREATURE THAT IS NOT MANIFEST IN HIS SIGHT BUT ALL THINGS ARE NAKED AND OPENED UNTO THE EYES OF HIM WITH WHOM WE HAVE TO DO (Hebrews 4:13)."
In the garden Adam originally sinned by eating the forbidden fruit then tried to hide. God called out to him and said 'Adam where are you'? No God didn't somehow misplace him but knew of course exactly where he was. Adam was ashamed and was trying desperately to hide away and I wonder today have you ever felt that way? I often have and our tendency is to also run instead of turning quickly back to him. That's really what repentance is all about it means to turn around and head the other way. Our problem of course is our sin and it separates us from him just as with Adam and Eve and their original sin. Like it or not we're their descendants and we've all inherited their nature. But incredibly while on the cross Jesus said 'It is finished' and he rent the veil in two. What was finished? The debt for our sin was now paid in full! He who knew no sin became sin for us that we might be made the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. So now as believers you and I have an open invitation to freely come to him by the blood of the Lamb any time any day. Look what the Hebrew writer also had to say, "FOR WE HAVE NOT A HIGH PRIEST WHICH CANNOT BE TOUCHED WITH THE FEELING OF OUR INFIRMITIES BUT WAS IN ALL POINTS TEMPTED LIKE AS WE ARE YET WITHOUT SIN. LET US THEREFORE COME BOLDLY UNTO THE THRONE OF GRACE THAT WE MAY OBTAIN MERCY AND FIND GRACE TO HELP IN TIME OF NEED (Hebrews 4:15-16)." Jesus is our faithful and merciful High Priest and now because of him we are always invited in!
David came to know God intimately very early in life gazing at stars while keeping sheep. It was there alone with God that he learned of his infinite power and love. David was in awe of God and his creation seeing his handiwork magnificently on display night after night throughout the heavens. Many of us today know about God to some degree but do we really know him? Do we seek and search for him with all of our hearts and do we know his voice? What's amazing to me is that even though he knows every detail of our lives even so he loves us still. He's not moved like we are at times by circumstances living by feelings that often change. And although we often waver God never does and his children can always count on his loving arms to carry them through. We can never earn his love and we never deserve it even on our best day. Simply put our righteousness to God is as filthy rags and Christ in us alone is our hope of glory! The truth is we're nothing without him but lost and alone in all of our sin. Long ago God called David and David responded with all of his heart. Today again he's calling us near but are we listening and can we still hear?
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Friday, February 17, 2012
Looking Above Lasting Love-Ed Welch & Shawn Smith
Since it's February and we celebrate Valentine's day this month it seemed only fitting to write about love. Love is a word we often use loosely today when expressing ourselves but do we actually know what real love is? Often we use it when describing our favorite food or pastime but we don't actually "love" it because true love is really about giving. We all have our favorites and we prefer special places and certain things but do we prefer one another? The fact is real love is really not about us at all and what we personally prefer. We may thoroughly enjoy someone or something but in our relationships today in general we seem to lack real clarity on the meaning of the word. Many often jump quickly from one relationship to another desperately looking for lasting love. Once the newness of infatuation wears off and reality sets in however they quickly move on to someone else hoping this time somehow things will be different. Unfortunately they often are not. So the saga continues as they sadly move from one broken relationship to another. And as we can see judging by the current divorce rate in our society today things don't appear to be getting any better.
So why is this happening so often in our lives today isn't there a better way? The truth is we're all selfish and sinful by nature and without God first in our lives we all lack the most important type of love. Often we tend to act out instead of look within. Even in the best-case scenarios relationships often fail so no one really is ever truly exempt. Sometimes we just can't explain why things don't work out and it's true circumstances can often dictate the stability of a relationship. Most of us realize that love is not actually a feeling but we still tend to measure it that way. If we feel happy with someone then we're in love. When feelings fade then we're not. We're in love then out of love. He loves me he loves me not. You get the picture and you may know the story. If so you may be wondering today can I ever get off this roller coaster ride and ever find true love? The answer is yes but it's not ever actually found in any temporal earthly relationship as you may have discovered by now. If you're fortunate enough to be in a healthy relationship currently then you're blessed indeed and are an exception to the rule today. Whatever the case may be for you lately the truth is everlasting love can only ever be found by looking above.
If you're a believer today in the Lord Jesus Christ then you know personally that God loves you and you've experienced his love in your life. You may be suffering and struggling in or out of a relationship right now but you believe by faith in God's master plan. You know that Jesus himself said there's no marriage in heaven so you're convinced that one way or another it will all work out in the end. As a believer you also know from his word that his love never fails and he'll never leave you no matter what you're going through. You don't live by feelings because you know they come and go. If you're not a believer yet then please know today that God truly loves you and his Son gave his life for you. Simply believe in him and receive him in your heart today. Look what the apostle Paul had to say to show us all he's the way, "BUT GOD COMMENDETH HIS LOVE TOWARD US IN THAT WHILE WE WERE YET SINNERS CHRIST DIED FOR US. MUCH MORE THEN BEING NOW JUSTIFIED BY HIS BLOOD WE SHALL BE SAVED FROM WRATH THROUGH HIM (Romans 5:8-9)." John the Baptist said this about Jesus when he began his earthly ministry when he proclaimed, "BEHOLD THE LAMB OF GOD WHO TAKES AWAY THE SIN OF THE WORLD (John 1:30)." God loves you but hates sin and that's why he who knew no sin became sin for us that we might be "made" the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus! By his grace he took our place and died on a tree so we could be free.
Wherever you are in life today in your relationships whether good or bad remember what the apostle Paul had to say to help us all along the way,"WHAT I MEAN BROTHERS AND SISTERS IS THAT THE TIME IS SHORT. FROM NOW ON THOSE WHO HAVE WIVES SHOULD LIVE AS IF THEY DO NOT. THOSE WHO MOURN AS IF THEY DID NOT. THOSE WHO ARE HAPPY AS IF THEY WERE NOT. THOSE WHO BUY SOMETHING AS IF IT WERE NOT THEIRS TO KEEP. THOSE WHO USE THE THINGS OF THE WORLD AS IF NOT ENGROSSED IN THEM FOR THIS WORLD IN ITS PRESENT FORM IS PASSING AWAY (1 Corinthians 7:29-31)." If we hold on to anything or anyone too tightly in this life it will only be harder to one day let go. The truth is we're just passing through and we need to discover what God has for us and wants us to do. If you feel alone and are hurting today remember what the writer of Hebrews once had to say, "LET YOUR LIFESTYLE BE WITHOUT COVETOUSNESS AND BE CONTENT WITH SUCH THINGS AS YOU HAVE FOR HE HATH SAID I WILL NEVER LEAVE THEE OR FORSAKE THEE (Hebrews 13:5). Lasting love comes from above and remember God loves you and knows exactly what you're going through. If you're a believer today and are his child he'll never leave you. Seek his face and grow in grace he's with you to the end! He's always there and really does care his love for you is unlike any love anywhere.
So why is this happening so often in our lives today isn't there a better way? The truth is we're all selfish and sinful by nature and without God first in our lives we all lack the most important type of love. Often we tend to act out instead of look within. Even in the best-case scenarios relationships often fail so no one really is ever truly exempt. Sometimes we just can't explain why things don't work out and it's true circumstances can often dictate the stability of a relationship. Most of us realize that love is not actually a feeling but we still tend to measure it that way. If we feel happy with someone then we're in love. When feelings fade then we're not. We're in love then out of love. He loves me he loves me not. You get the picture and you may know the story. If so you may be wondering today can I ever get off this roller coaster ride and ever find true love? The answer is yes but it's not ever actually found in any temporal earthly relationship as you may have discovered by now. If you're fortunate enough to be in a healthy relationship currently then you're blessed indeed and are an exception to the rule today. Whatever the case may be for you lately the truth is everlasting love can only ever be found by looking above.
If you're a believer today in the Lord Jesus Christ then you know personally that God loves you and you've experienced his love in your life. You may be suffering and struggling in or out of a relationship right now but you believe by faith in God's master plan. You know that Jesus himself said there's no marriage in heaven so you're convinced that one way or another it will all work out in the end. As a believer you also know from his word that his love never fails and he'll never leave you no matter what you're going through. You don't live by feelings because you know they come and go. If you're not a believer yet then please know today that God truly loves you and his Son gave his life for you. Simply believe in him and receive him in your heart today. Look what the apostle Paul had to say to show us all he's the way, "BUT GOD COMMENDETH HIS LOVE TOWARD US IN THAT WHILE WE WERE YET SINNERS CHRIST DIED FOR US. MUCH MORE THEN BEING NOW JUSTIFIED BY HIS BLOOD WE SHALL BE SAVED FROM WRATH THROUGH HIM (Romans 5:8-9)." John the Baptist said this about Jesus when he began his earthly ministry when he proclaimed, "BEHOLD THE LAMB OF GOD WHO TAKES AWAY THE SIN OF THE WORLD (John 1:30)." God loves you but hates sin and that's why he who knew no sin became sin for us that we might be "made" the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus! By his grace he took our place and died on a tree so we could be free.
Wherever you are in life today in your relationships whether good or bad remember what the apostle Paul had to say to help us all along the way,"WHAT I MEAN BROTHERS AND SISTERS IS THAT THE TIME IS SHORT. FROM NOW ON THOSE WHO HAVE WIVES SHOULD LIVE AS IF THEY DO NOT. THOSE WHO MOURN AS IF THEY DID NOT. THOSE WHO ARE HAPPY AS IF THEY WERE NOT. THOSE WHO BUY SOMETHING AS IF IT WERE NOT THEIRS TO KEEP. THOSE WHO USE THE THINGS OF THE WORLD AS IF NOT ENGROSSED IN THEM FOR THIS WORLD IN ITS PRESENT FORM IS PASSING AWAY (1 Corinthians 7:29-31)." If we hold on to anything or anyone too tightly in this life it will only be harder to one day let go. The truth is we're just passing through and we need to discover what God has for us and wants us to do. If you feel alone and are hurting today remember what the writer of Hebrews once had to say, "LET YOUR LIFESTYLE BE WITHOUT COVETOUSNESS AND BE CONTENT WITH SUCH THINGS AS YOU HAVE FOR HE HATH SAID I WILL NEVER LEAVE THEE OR FORSAKE THEE (Hebrews 13:5). Lasting love comes from above and remember God loves you and knows exactly what you're going through. If you're a believer today and are his child he'll never leave you. Seek his face and grow in grace he's with you to the end! He's always there and really does care his love for you is unlike any love anywhere.
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Fulfilling Prophecies Manmade Philosophies-Shawn Smith
Recently I've wondered often how to put words to my many thoughts as we enter 2012 and what lies in store for us all. As you've noticed in the world today things continue spiraling out of control apparently with no end in sight. To cope with the corruption and confusion many turn to manmade fables and philosophies instead of trusting reliable biblical prophecies. Many are acting out trying to mask the pain in life and uncertainty of the future resorting to unhealthy extremes and uncontrollable vices just to survive it all. As believers we really shouldn't be surprised by it though after all God's made it clear in his word that perilous days would define our time. And in the last days men would be "lovers of themselves". As we look around today we see more indications that we may indeed be the generation that Jesus himself referred to when speaking to his disciples about the time of his return. One of the most significant signs recently of course is when Israel officially gained its independence again in 1948. The regathering of God's chosen people back to her homeland recently is very significant according to Bible prophecy and the end of this age. And there are obviously many more. Jesus referred to signs of the times as birth pangs occurring with increasing intensity and frequency with each and every one.
Life today is difficult to say the least and like the disciples you too may wonder just when it will all end and is there any relief in sight? It certainly can be overwhelming but for each generation God always has a purpose and a plan for man. What's surprising is the way in which many today fall so easily for the deception that's slowly but steadily taking over the world. Instead of falling for manmade fables and philosophies we should believe biblical prophecies. Many are familiar with the beloved Hebrew prophet Daniel and his prophecy about the antichrist and his abomination of desolation in the holy land (Daniel 9:27). However relatively few I believe are familiar with Daniel's vision of the four beasts and the interpretation given to him by God in Daniel chapter 7. It's there where he's given a chilling description of the revived Roman empire and the man of sin who will take over the world at the time of the end. Here's what Daniel saw, "AFTER THAT IN MY VISION AT NIGHT I LOOKED AND THERE BEFORE ME WAS A FOURTH BEAST TERRIFYING AND FRIGHTENING AND VERY POWERFUL. IT HAD LARGE IRON TEETH. IT CRUSHED AND DEVOURED ITS VICTIMS AND TRAMPLED UNDERFOOT WHATEVER WAS LEFT. IT WAS DIFFERENT FROM ALL THE FORMER BEASTS AND IT HAD TEN HORNS (Daniel 7:7)."
It is during this time of worldwide domination that the antichrist ("little horn") will arise and speak against God and oppress his people and try to "change" the set times and laws. The generation of unbelievers not yet saved who come to Christ after believers are "caught up" in the last days (1 Thessalonians 4:16-18), will have to endure great tribulation here on earth. In fact no one living on the earth during that time will be able to buy or sell without having the "mark" of the beast spoken of by the apostle John in the book of Revelation (13:16-18). Life is hard indeed but living now compared to when the antichrist appears on the scene it's a walk in the park! Once he's given control it will be like nothing the world has ever seen. Look what the apostle Paul wrote about this man of sin and his ability to deceive with relative ease all who don't believe, "THE COMING OF THE LAWLESS ONE WILL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH HOW SATAN WORKS. HE WILL USE ALL SORTS OF DISPLAYS OF POWER THROUGH SIGNS AND WONDERS THAT SERVE THE LIE, AND ALL THE WAYS THAT WICKEDNESS DECEIVES THOSE WHO ARE PERISHING. THEY PERISH BECAUSE THEY REFUSED TO LOVE THE TRUTH AND SO BE SAVED (2 Thessalonians 2:9-10)."
The Psalmist prayed teach me Lord to number my days. We only have a short time here on earth and we need to know the truth about the future. If Jesus is your Lord you're his child and he's with you to the end. If he's not yet then don't delay believe in him and receive him in your heart today! With so much deception in the world today and more on the way we desperately need to hear what God has to say. Look what the apostle Peter said as he neared the end of his days, "THEREFORE DEAR FRIENDS SINCE YOU HAVE BEEN FOREWARNED, BE ON YOUR GUARD SO THAT YOU MAY NOT BE CARRIED AWAY FROM YOUR SECURE POSITION. BUT GROW IN THE GRACE AND KNOWLEDGE OF OUR LORD AND SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST. TO HIM BE GLORY BOTH NOW AND FOREVER! AMEN (2 Peter 3:17-18)." We're clearly nearing the end and it's time to seek his face and grow in grace. The time is short his return is at hand we need to draw closer to him and farther from sin! The fact is one way or another we will all stand before God one day. Whenever that day is for each of us God only knows. In the meantime we simply can't afford to ignore anymore what the future has in store. Prophecies are fulfilling today right before our eyes! So don't fall for lies it's really the devil in disguise.
Life today is difficult to say the least and like the disciples you too may wonder just when it will all end and is there any relief in sight? It certainly can be overwhelming but for each generation God always has a purpose and a plan for man. What's surprising is the way in which many today fall so easily for the deception that's slowly but steadily taking over the world. Instead of falling for manmade fables and philosophies we should believe biblical prophecies. Many are familiar with the beloved Hebrew prophet Daniel and his prophecy about the antichrist and his abomination of desolation in the holy land (Daniel 9:27). However relatively few I believe are familiar with Daniel's vision of the four beasts and the interpretation given to him by God in Daniel chapter 7. It's there where he's given a chilling description of the revived Roman empire and the man of sin who will take over the world at the time of the end. Here's what Daniel saw, "AFTER THAT IN MY VISION AT NIGHT I LOOKED AND THERE BEFORE ME WAS A FOURTH BEAST TERRIFYING AND FRIGHTENING AND VERY POWERFUL. IT HAD LARGE IRON TEETH. IT CRUSHED AND DEVOURED ITS VICTIMS AND TRAMPLED UNDERFOOT WHATEVER WAS LEFT. IT WAS DIFFERENT FROM ALL THE FORMER BEASTS AND IT HAD TEN HORNS (Daniel 7:7)."
It is during this time of worldwide domination that the antichrist ("little horn") will arise and speak against God and oppress his people and try to "change" the set times and laws. The generation of unbelievers not yet saved who come to Christ after believers are "caught up" in the last days (1 Thessalonians 4:16-18), will have to endure great tribulation here on earth. In fact no one living on the earth during that time will be able to buy or sell without having the "mark" of the beast spoken of by the apostle John in the book of Revelation (13:16-18). Life is hard indeed but living now compared to when the antichrist appears on the scene it's a walk in the park! Once he's given control it will be like nothing the world has ever seen. Look what the apostle Paul wrote about this man of sin and his ability to deceive with relative ease all who don't believe, "THE COMING OF THE LAWLESS ONE WILL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH HOW SATAN WORKS. HE WILL USE ALL SORTS OF DISPLAYS OF POWER THROUGH SIGNS AND WONDERS THAT SERVE THE LIE, AND ALL THE WAYS THAT WICKEDNESS DECEIVES THOSE WHO ARE PERISHING. THEY PERISH BECAUSE THEY REFUSED TO LOVE THE TRUTH AND SO BE SAVED (2 Thessalonians 2:9-10)."
The Psalmist prayed teach me Lord to number my days. We only have a short time here on earth and we need to know the truth about the future. If Jesus is your Lord you're his child and he's with you to the end. If he's not yet then don't delay believe in him and receive him in your heart today! With so much deception in the world today and more on the way we desperately need to hear what God has to say. Look what the apostle Peter said as he neared the end of his days, "THEREFORE DEAR FRIENDS SINCE YOU HAVE BEEN FOREWARNED, BE ON YOUR GUARD SO THAT YOU MAY NOT BE CARRIED AWAY FROM YOUR SECURE POSITION. BUT GROW IN THE GRACE AND KNOWLEDGE OF OUR LORD AND SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST. TO HIM BE GLORY BOTH NOW AND FOREVER! AMEN (2 Peter 3:17-18)." We're clearly nearing the end and it's time to seek his face and grow in grace. The time is short his return is at hand we need to draw closer to him and farther from sin! The fact is one way or another we will all stand before God one day. Whenever that day is for each of us God only knows. In the meantime we simply can't afford to ignore anymore what the future has in store. Prophecies are fulfilling today right before our eyes! So don't fall for lies it's really the devil in disguise.
Sunday, January 8, 2012
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